Need help setting up store video surveillance system software.


Feb 8, 2016
Using a gilet skyedge ip vsat, with speco software. Everything hardware-wise is working fine, we still have the video feed on the tv behind the counter, and the owner's speco remote viewing on his home computer is also working. The store upgraded the computer, and the boss didn't know how to set it up so now I have got to get this figured out. The only thing I have to work with is a piece of paper with this written on it-

"' www. s:admin p:1234"
(some parts blanked out for privacy)

I tried entering the URL into IE explorer, and it asked if I wanted the site to allow it to open programs, I said yes, and it brought up the option to go to the store to find the program. No option to search for other programs such as speco.
I then called speco support, and they wouldn't give me support as I had told them we had a gilet skyedge IP.
If anyone could lend me any help it would be much appreciated. I feel like this is an easy set up I just have no experience in this area.
What you have listed looks simply like the DNS/IP config for gaining access outside of the local network.

the url ( is a public DNS name that is mapped to your networks public IP. The looks like the local IP address (inside your network) of the PC/server the software is running on. 1001 is the port that the software is running on. The other two items look like a login (username/password).

At very least you will want to make sure the new machine is at that IP and has the software running on that port to use the existing mappings.
I know some of those words...

I need a step by step a la "setting up surveillance software for dummies"

What I got from your comment is that I am entering in the old PC's IP, and I need the new one, correct? And all that I need to do is paste that URL/IP into IE and it should let me open it with speco?

If anyone could help me get this running I would get major brownie points at the store, which will definitely get me my raise... and I know it's simple.
Tried it and it said it could not connect. Basically a 404 error I guess.
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Tried it and it said it could not connect. Basically a 404 error I guess.

Does the box your connecting to run Windows or Linux? Or does it start up a proprietary OS? Sorry, not familiar with that camera system.
It's running Windows 10. Thanks seith, I'll look through them. First thing I noticed about the videos is the UI looks different from the one I'm using. What's that about? I downloaded what I thought was the latest version.
It's running Windows 10. Thanks seith, I'll look through them. First thing I noticed about the videos is the UI looks different from the one I'm using. What's that about? I downloaded what I thought was the latest version.

I would make sure that the services that it likely uses are running, and that any daemon or application frontend it uses is running.
I know some of those words...

I need a step by step a la "setting up surveillance software for dummies"

What I got from your comment is that I am entering in the old PC's IP, and I need the new one, correct? And all that I need to do is paste that URL/IP into IE and it should let me open it with speco?

If anyone could help me get this running I would get major brownie points at the store, which will definitely get me my raise... and I know it's simple.

I was searching for such program on different forums, I saw one on Linux forum,however, they said it works on different OS. My Dahua camera was automatically detected and connected, no problem during configuration. I added motion detector to write only moments when there is a motion. The program is called Xeoma, you can easily try it yourself.