Need help re-encoding video


Jan 11, 2004
I was givin a bunch of MPEG-1 video clips encoded with an unknown codec. They will play on my system and the system of the person who originally recorded them, but several other people can not play them back indicating he must have used some abnormal coded. I tried opening the video in Adobe Premiere along with Movie Maker and Virtual to try and re-encode it and each gives their own errors about the file being invalid...

Any ideas of how I could re-encode them so they become readable to more users?
You might try to d/l a copy of GSpot and see if you can identify what codec it's encoded with. That ought to give you a better lead on what to use to convert it. My guess is that you have the codec to play it but not to author (i.e. you can play DivX files but don't have the correct codec to encode DivX files) and that's why you're getting the file format errors.
How about telling them to install FFDShow and use Media Player Classic, I'm sure that they might be able to play them......


How about trying something like Gordan Knot for re-encoding? Can you even use it like that?
Well I want to re-encode it but I can't manage to find an app that will allow it so I can make it more accessable
Try TMPGEnc for reencoding. It also has some built in MPEG tools, some of which might help. The free version is fine, the registered version only adds full MPEG2 support (30 day MPEG2 encoding in the free version.)

GSpot won't help, I don't know why people were recommending that. GSpot is for AVI files. I strongly suspect it will never truly support MPEG since there are currently only two types of files that end up with an extention of .mpg, mpeg1 and 2, and usually 2 isn't given that extention.

Uhm, make sure it actually IS a mpeg file though. I was helping someone not so long ago who had troubles getting a supposed mpeg file to work and, in fact, it wasn't actually mpeg at all, but an AVI in disguise, complete with a code to automatically send the browser to a webpage. Apparently relying on a sort of bug (pardon, FEATURE) in WMP that many players lacked. If this isn't the problem, I suspect it's damaged somewhere or something.

I'm afraid if you want to find a program that will make it more accessable, you'll have to define just what exactly you mean by that... If you mean readable on a maximum number of computers, MPEG1 is THE most standard compression for video you will find. Windows 3.1 can play it right out of the box I believe even (ok, been a while since I tried, so I'm not 100% certain.) I've seen some DOS players that can play MPEG 1. The reason it's not used more often is that it's horribly outdated so is rather lacking in quality by today's standards.
Yea, I'm not worried about finding some MPEG-1 codec that these guys can use... anything common should be fine. I'll give TMPEnc a try and get back to you
TMPEnc said invalid file, cannot open. And G-Spot confired its a MPEG and not an AVI in disguise. What's fustrating me is ATI MMC and WMP can both open and play it. But i can't get it into any apps to re-render.