Need help figuring this out with 8 hdds


Jan 9, 2006
I was board and found a pci storage device card. I have my setup in my sig plus more drives. I have a total of 8 hdds hooked up. My mobo has 2+2ide's also 2+2 SATA but i dont have any sata hdds. would power be an issue here too? I have OCZ power stream 530watts i think. I have 8 hdd pluged on, 2 are on a splitter, mobo, dvdr, fan controller and water pump on a splitter.

WD 74gb
Maxtor 233gb
ST 74gb
Quantum Firebball EX1 12gb
Maxtor 152gb
IBM 71gb
WD 111gb
WD 98gb

My problems, my system sees all the hdd but I can't get into 2 of em. Also when I start the comp up its takes about 15-30mins from boot screen passed windows start up until I can really do something. It also lags when i'm opening something too.

I'm using Promise Ultra100 TX2 IDE controller that comes with WD 250gb hdds.
LazyKid said:
I was board and found a pci storage device card. I have my setup in my sig plus more drives. I have a total of 8 hdds hooked up. My mobo has 2+2ide's also 2+2 SATA but i dont have any sata hdds. would power be an issue here too? I have OCZ power stream 530watts i think. I have 8 hdd pluged on, 2 are on a splitter, mobo, dvdr, fan controller and water pump on a splitter.

WD 74gb
Maxtor 233gb
ST 74gb
Quantum Firebball EX1 12gb
Maxtor 152gb
IBM 71gb
WD 111gb
WD 98gb

My problems, my system sees all the hdd but I can't get into 2 of em. Also when I start the comp up its takes about 15-30mins from boot screen passed windows start up until I can really do something. It also lags when i'm opening something too.

I'm using Promise Ultra100 TX2 IDE controller that comes with WD 250gb hdds.

i would test my drives to see if they were still good. i had that issue with my 150gb raptor. it literally took 4 minutes to boot up.
I know all these drives worked. I had a problem with one of the maxtors on the card so i ended up using it on the mobo and that problem stopped.

What kind of test should i do?
use your drive manufacture's diagnostic utilities. it will test the SMART status to see if there are any errors.