Need help fast please Windows Xp acting up

Mar 17, 2005
trying to type fast to beat a blue screen, something to do with ati.....

anyway i messaged my gf on yahoo, sent her my cam link, said it couldnt find cam (all other usb devices seem to be working fine) and then i restarted thinking maybe jsut need a refresh

i restarted and windows just loads up my background, nothing else (im able to get online by ctrl, alt, delete start a new task) nothing else is showing but my background, any help with this will be so very nice

i rebuild boot ini file with windows disk, i did chkdsk, ummm only bios settings i changed are, the cashe shadow 32k think......set that to disabled, and APIC function disable.....if theres anything yall can help me with thatd be great......

i want to format trust me, but i dont have an external hard drive to save all my music, pictures, movies with and i cant burn anything to cd cause well i cant get it to work since nothing is working with out starting new task

my specs are
amd xp 2000+
1 gig of geil ram
9600 pro
windows xp sp2

thanks for any help

What happens when you start a new task, and run explorer.exe?
anyone? :confused: ive tried everything i can think of......nothing seems to work....

i can launch certin programs, outlook express wont launch someting to do with cache saying my hard drive is full and im out of memory, but i have 1 gig, and 80pct of my drive is empty
hmm, interesting, my uncle is having the same exact problem you are...

im going to check his system out asap, but hes quite far away :(

what has your surfing been like? my uncles son has been using the computer too, and i was wondering its possible you picked up something while surfing. Whats your motherboard make/model?
I was thinking you did this for some reason, but boot off your XP CD and run a repair install.
did boot repair, called up xp home tech's........basicly they gave me instructions to remake some DLL's that seemed to be missing, and i did a system restore, worked fine now.......

really dunno wtf is up with my copy of win xp home, eaither i have bad sectors or its a bad install each time........i wanna reformat but i have info i wanna keep and no access to external hard drive :( but oh well, thanks for all input/information

Do you have another computer you can put this drive into to backup data?