need fast advice ! XIGMATEK HDT-S1283 ..good ?


Apr 25, 2008
will be on a E8400 ....
wanted to ordered the FREEZER 7 but heared some ppl can't get over 3.6GHZ with it i though why not adding extra 10$ and get to 4.0 + :D
what do u think about this 1 ?
most inportant thing for me ( list wile i'm not killing my friends in BF2...) is Q U I E T ...
so is it tolerable ?
2 more questions...what about that fan that comes with it u realy need it ?
and my case\mobo will fit this 1 ?
dsl3 ..compucase 6A19

10x all !!
It is a fantastic cooler, arguably the best out there right now. The fan, at least for me is very tolerable. It also supports PWM. You can always swap out the fan, although I dont know how that would effect cooling. You do need the fan, it cant run passive. It should fit in your case.
It is a fantastic cooler, arguably the best out there right now. The fan, at least for me is very tolerable. It also supports PWM. You can always swap out the fan, although I dont know how that would effect cooling. You do need the fan, it cant run passive. It should fit in your case.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I wouldn't say the HDT-S1283 was the best air cooled HSF out there either arguably or not. I may be wrong, but I was under the impression it tied or beat the TRUE in tests. The tests done by independant people in private labs.The Thermalright Ultra-120 (TRUE) was considered the best AC HSF out at the time.

Aren't there other "Rifle CPU Coolers" or "exposed heatpipes HSF's" out there that are in contention with the HDT-1283 (have almost the same cooling results)? :confused:

Without a doubt IMO the HDT-1283 HSF is one of the best "bang for the buck" HSF's out there having fantastic cooling results. From what I can gather the cooling resuts are at or near the TRUE and the TRUE costs on NewEgg ATM $59.99 sans fan (it don't come with one) compared to $39.99 w/ a pretty decent fan. :eek:

To put it into a "nut shell" I like the XIGMATEK HDT-1283 because 1) it's much lighter than the TRUE, 2) it costs a hell of a lot less than a TRUE, 3) it comes with a pretty decent fan, 4) I ain't into "world record" overclocks and I think the TRUE, after it has been lapped, is a little more versatile than the Xiggy. (maybe more or better selection of fans) ;)
I see where your coming from. Its pretty close to the true, better in most cases, but what makes it the best is the price.

Most of the other HDT heatsinks out there are rebadged xigmateks.
I love my HDT-S1283, but I wasn't crazy about the fan. I bought a Noctua instead. However, even if it was the same price as the True (or if the True was as cheap as the Xigmatek), I'd still get the Xigmatek. It's base was flatter than my last Thermalright. The fact it's lighter for about the same performance ± 2° makes it worth it.
I have a X-1283 and its base was off ,so i had to lap and did my cpu also, lowered my cpu temps 3-5c over the Zalman 9500 i was using ,so I think it is a good cooler and the newer version of the fan has a lower rpm rating 1500 and is quite.