Need blue LED's and a complimenting color


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 6, 2005
Today I decided to change my Case up a bit. It was black with yellow and read LED's. I'm painting all the red and yellow parts blue and silver and changing the LED's to blue.

The case has two "Eye's" in the front that are always on. Then, the HDD lights are there as well. So the lights are yellow always, and when the HDD's run, they turn red.

I;m changing the always on to blue, but I need an accent color that will light with the HDD's. Or, I could do white LED's always on with blue accents for the HDD's. What do you think?

Also, I need to know where I can get them cheap, like, will Radio Shack have them?
blue's complimentary is orange.

though it will look really slick, I'd recommend going blue with white since your case is blue and silver

who knows, maybe orange will look hawt.
I get the impression you are looking for raw LED's not assembled units, right? If so Radio Shack
has a poor selection far as LED's go. Look here -

Sorry if this is a stupid question - have you ever worked with raw LED's before?
Susquehannock said:
Sorry if this is a stupid question - have you ever worked with raw LED's before?

No never. Actually I went to Radio Shack today and got 2 blue LEDs for $3.29 a piece (What a ripoff!). I installed them fairly easily and had only a few problems. I was using electrical tape because that was all I had. I kept pulling the wire by accident and pulling them apart. But I finally got them in and they look great.

I painted the pieces a metallic blue and it reflects the LEDs very nicely.
I think white accents will look good as well. Personally, I don't care too much for orange LEDs (although I too have a few waiting for case implentation), but you may want to avoid green. In my opinion, green washes out blue, and red tends to stick out like a sore thumb if it's not diffuse enough in an overall blue illuminated area.

LEDs are (relatively) cheap enough, so experiment for best combination! I still say that you can't go wrong with subtle white light accents.

Also, try to avoid using electrical tape. You may want to pick up a crimper and some splice connectors. Or, at the very least pick up some heat shrink. It should provide for a tighter connection especially if you bend and twist the LED leads together.

(Show us some pics!!)
DeadlyAura said:
No never. Actually I went to Radio Shack today and got 2 blue LEDs for $3.29 a piece (What a ripoff!). I installed them fairly easily and had only a few problems. I was using electrical tape because that was all I had. I kept pulling the wire by accident and pulling them apart. But I finally got them in and they look great.

I painted the pieces a metallic blue and it reflects the LEDs very nicely.
Cool, sounds like it turned out well. Now you are ready for some bigger LED mods. :D

If you feel so inspired you could design your own LED circuits with the proper resistors.
It's really not as complicated as it might seem. Check out this* LED guide.