Need bios unlocked for Dell Studio 1558 Laptop


[H]F Junkie
Feb 22, 2001
Need bios unlocked for Dell Studio 1558 Laptop. Its password protected as soon as I enter the bios.

The clients son set it up and forgot the password. Sound, wifi, and networking are disabled in the bios unfortunately for some odd reason.

If any of you can help me with that that would be grand.
Back in the day, if you pulled the main battery and cmos battery for long enough, all would be reset in the world...

Ninja Edit: It might take a bit of disassembly to find the CMOS battery, and then you should hope it isn't soldered to the board. May also be worth seeing if the Dell tech manual has provisions for a reset jumper you can short.
Resetting a Dell laptop password is a pain. There's no easy way of doing it from the MB. It's not like a desktop where you can bridge 2 pins. You'll have to call Dell, and have them give you the master password for that laptop. They have a built in backdoor BIOS password. But, you have to verify that you're the actual owner of it with them, or you're out of luck.

If the Level 1 person you talk to doesn't know anything, ask for a Level 2 person. It used to be that they're the only ones that have access to that program. Level 1 people don't.