Need an audio Tool

Chaotic Master

Limp Gawd
Jan 7, 2003
I need an audio editor or tool that will take one large mp3 or wma thats about an hour long and break it up into tracks based on a specified interval.

A plus would be if the tool can detect when there is a song change on the large file.

Does anyone know any app that can do this free or paid.
I'm not sure if it does WMA in both the versions but I've used Sound Forge quite a bit, and it would easily do what you are looking for. The Audio Studio version does indicate support for import and export of Windows Media files, so it should, but I don't have this current version yet. :)

(edit: Found on their site that WMA files are supported, but no word on version, which could be important)

Comes in two flavors:

Sound Forge Audio Studio (read: lite) @ $70
Sound Forge 8 (read: pro) @ $300

There's a free trial @

Hope this helps!
