Need a solution to manage bandwidth limit


Oct 20, 2010
I have a 20MB internet connection, with a 100GB cap. My mother works at home, with some employees. Adding home and work, 8 people use the internet all the time. Lots of Youtube videos, streaming netflix, iTunes downloading, and so on.

I wanted something to:
1) Manage this cap. It's over too soon, and we're left with a poor internet connection until the end of the month - like 500kb.


2) Something to manage two internet connections.

I was thinking about a dedicated router - I currently use a WRT54G V8, which is nice, but it has some issues handling the traffic when the internet is in its full glory. I heard about pfSense, and some searches on Google tell me it's possible to do both options using it.

Do anyone here have any experience doing something like this?

do you get charged if you go over your cap ?

Why not block all the you tube stuff netflix stuff for the workers ? shouldn't they be working instead ?

Could setup 2 networks one for home side and one for business side.

Astaro or Untangle, I think astaro will show you your in and out traffic to monitor it etc etc etc..