need a proxy-like program to serve DSL to wireless net WO proxy IP settings


Nov 13, 2004
Ok, the title is a little confusing, what I need is a program to put on my internet computer that will let me simply 'connect to network' (using my wifi card) and have access to ALL ports for ALL my programs. I have several important programs that I need to be able to run, but which wont right now bc my current proxy is a proxy (i.e. you must use proxy-supporting programs bc they redirect to a specific IP address with a specific 1 port)

I'd love a program akin to MS's ICS (NAT addressing) --- every time I try to enable ICS, my computer freezes during startup and I have to boot into safe mode and uninstall ICS entirely before it will boot again (tried this on a fresh Windows 98 install too... no idea why it wont run)

Most of my programs require a range of ports to be open, they also dont have a palce to type in a proxy server's address...

please help!
Could you explain a bit more about your current setup, specifically the proxy? Do you have any specific reason why you are running a proxy and why you can't just bypass it?
Ok, network setup:

1. computer (windows 98) that connects to my DSL modem and my wifi network (lets say it's SSID is "wireless")

2. Laptop (win XP) that connects to Wireless, but nothing else

3. one pocket PC that connects to wireless, but nothing else

4. one desktop (win 98) that connects to wireless, but nothing else

5. one desktop (win 2K) that connects to wireless, but nothing else

And all of them need to access the internet at the same time, using an IP range. All have wireless NICs in then, #1 just also is plugged into my DSL

I'm trying to simply give all 5 comps internet access that will allow ANY PROGRAM to work. As an example, I use a webcam conencted to the ORB service for servalence, but my proxy ONLY accepts connection on port XXXX using a "proxy supported" program. I cant connect to ORB because it requires a direct, dynamic, internet connection. (windows ICS (NAT addressing) allows this, but most proxies dont)

Is that clearer? if not ask questions and I'll gladly answer.
Thanks. So what proxy software are you using? I would recommend something like smoothwall for that computer instead. Only thing with something like that, though, is to make sure your wireless card is supported. If you want to stay on the windows side of things then you can use something like wingate to share your internet connection.
Right now I'm using "AnalogX Proxy" it's an EXTREMELY simple proxy that doesn't even fully support socks or pop/smtp.

I had tried wingate once and finally gave up an uninstalled it bc I couldn't get it to setup and work...

Any other programs that come to mind? Free is nice but most important is a small memort footprint on the client (I'm already slightly below spec on one of hte programs; recamending 512 and I have 500 (bc of shared memory)

I will look at wingate's site and see what I can figure out. Maybe I jsut wasn't finding the right settings.
For the amount of effort you have put into this, just go to you local comptuer store and buy a $30 SOHO cable/dsl router.

I acctually own a netgear 802.11b wifi router with built-in 4-port 10/100 LAN connection...

but it works for 30 min and then has to be reset, then works for 30 min and has to be reset... it just dies for no reason! (acctually it varies form 30 min to 4 hours, but it wont work continuously) --- it doens't like me speedstread 5200 DSL modem bc it has a built-in router (for it's 1 10/100 port and it's 1 usb port...)
Are you doing anything else with the gateway computer that needs windows or are you just using it to share the internet connection? If you aren't doing anything else with it then you should look into smoothwall. It doesn't need anywhere near 500 megs of memory(I can't imagine how a simple file sharing program would need that much ram. :confused:). Clarkconnect is another good linux-based firewall/nat kinda thing that works pretty well. Or if you really want to get serious you could just install linux and use iptables.
I am playing with wingate right now and got *some* ofmy programs running now... but I still am not finding the controls for the programs... likewise I'm having problems wiht IE (having to use 2 proxies now; the standaard one for IE and wingate for the other programs!)

I'm also using the desktop for many windows programs so, sadly, installing linux is not an option...
If your 5200 has a built in router, all you need is a switch. Heck you could probably even use the switch on the dlink if it dosn't crash.

Belive me, I went though the dlink pain for over a year.. I have yet to see a stable dlink router..

Netgear, Linksys, or even Airlink would be better.

I have a netgear router and it dies after a while... that's why I've gone back to trying to setup a proxy server. I also have a WIFI network, NOT a wired one, so the standard witches dont work... (already looked at that)
Ashton said:
I have a netgear router and it dies after a while... that's why I've gone back to trying to setup a proxy server. I also have a WIFI network, NOT a wired one, so the standard witches dont work... (already looked at that)

Sure they do. I finally turned off the routing part of my Dlink (put it in Wireless access point mode) and just used a Switch for the wired part of my network. (dsl modem/router -> switch -> Dlink in access point mode and wired PCs)

Do you have the latest firmware on your various routers?
