Need a (portable) program to validate windows


Sep 17, 2004
I'm looking for some program, preferably portable, that I can run on a computer to find out if it passes validation or not.

I'd prefer not to install anything, although it's not a major sticking point.
I know I can go to each computer and download the WGA plugin and run in the validation, etc...

is there any other way? My school needs to crack down on some of this pirated software.

I'm also looking for something similar for Adobe products (photoshop, etc).

For software "inventory"...I've used Belarc Advisor, has to be installed and run on each PC though.
For software "inventory"...I've used Belarc Advisor, has to be installed and run on each PC though.

Except Belarc does not validate windows for you. It's simply an auditing tool. Like someone else says, I'm not aware of any portable app that validates windows like WGA.
Are we discounting that WGA has a downloadable exe to run?
OK, thanks for the help. I knew it was a long shot.

I have been downloading the WGA validation and then going to each computer and running it. I guess that's how I'll have to do it.

Then I do the same with OGA (Office Validation). Seems to work.. just slow.
Thanks for the help.