Need a player that supports GRASP (*.gl) Video files


Sep 10, 2002
I've been tearing up all my old drives and archives, looking for shreds of bits of the data I lost to a drive crash last month. Came across a CD that had a BUNCH of old GL vid files my buds made in Santa Cruz and Monterey back in the early 90's. Just stuff we encoded of me trying to teach some Amiga Nerds how to surf in exchange for crash course in BBS navigation.

Seems nothing supports this old file format, or the even OLDER DL file format.

Anyone know of a pack or codec that might give compatibility to one of the more current players? .... thanks!
Just throwing this out there but have you tried WMP-HC or VIDEOLAN? Both have numerous built in decoding ability.
Could try Googling for grasprt.exe, that is the DOS program for playing back those files.
As for VideoLan & WMP, yeah, tried those, and several others. Thank you all Demon10000.. getting it now.