Need a large-ish PS2 controller


Oct 12, 2004
I need a new PS2 controller. I'm in the small minority who thinks the larger XBox controller was the best thing since sliced bread - those smaller controllers (including the regular PSX/PS2 controllers) make my hands cramp after about 15 minutes of playing.

I've been using these
since the PS2 launch and I've gone through 2 of 'em, both of which were glued, soldered and taped numerous times before eventually becoming unrepairable. Are there any better options? An XBox-to-PS2 dongle would be a last choice as I kinda like having the 4 shoulder buttons actually on the shoulder.
for 10 bucks you can get the dual action madcatz controller that is pretty big.
I have a logitech dual action cordless controller.

It's rather larger and has a similar feel to the "s" controller.

The original ps2 controller feels insignificant compared to the logitech one.

I love it.
Ricedaddy said:
I have a logitech dual action cordless controller.

It's rather larger and has a similar feel to the "s" controller.

The original ps2 controller feels insignificant compared to the logitech one.

I love it.
hows the battery life?
Qwertyman said:
for 10 bucks you can get the dual action madcatz controller that is pretty big.

It may be big but it is also a huge piece of garbage that I wouldn't advise buying. I had one of those for my PS2 and the damn thing left blisters on my hand and broke in under a week.
NeoNemesis said:
It may be big but it is also a huge piece of garbage that I wouldn't advise buying. I had one of those for my PS2 and the damn thing left blisters on my hand and broke in under a week.
I kinda figured that if it's only $10 - the last thing I want is another piece of crap. I appreciate the recommendation though. I'll take a look at the Logitech, wireless would be kinda nice... Thanks!
its not a piece of crap i've been using it for 3 weeks now, and nothings gone wrong with it
Qwertyman said:
hows the battery life?

I've had it for almost three months now, and haven't had to change the batteries.

It's supposed to get 50 hours or more with rumble, but I've played Star Ocean and Xenosaga for more than 50 hours using it...let alone other games.

Logitech products continue to impress me.
Ricedaddy said:
I have a logitech dual action cordless controller.

It's rather larger and has a similar feel to the "s" controller.

The original ps2 controller feels insignificant compared to the logitech one.

I love it.

I second this, I just love this gamepad and have no idea how I ever played any PS2 games without it. Battery life is phenomonal and the extra weight feels nice, but when you go back to the regular one it feels weird (expected).
Ricedaddy said:
It's rather larger and has a similar feel to the "s" controller.'s larger than the PS2 controller but the same size as the "S" controller? I can't find any of these damn things in town so I have to order one online, I just want to make sure before buying one sight-unseen.

Are you talking about this one or this one ?

The second one looks a little bigger and a little more solid.
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Clank said:'s larger than the PS2 controller but the same size as the "S" controller? I can't find any of these damn things in town so I have to order one online, I just want to make sure before buying one sight-unseen.

Are you talking about this one or this one ?

The second one looks a little bigger and a little more solid.
I think the first one is the old revision and I think it's actually a little bigger. The battery life isn't as good, though. If you can tolerate the S sized, Xbox controllers, the second one is very nice. It's a little more of a substantial handfull and a little wider grip.
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Clank said:'s larger than the PS2 controller but the same size as the "S" controller? I can't find any of these damn things in town so I have to order one online, I just want to make sure before buying one sight-unseen.

Are you talking about this one or this one ?

The second one looks a little bigger and a little more solid.

It's the first one. The first one is the newer version of the controller. Just make sure it is called the "Cordless Action Controller". The older (second one) is still good, but the battery life is not nearly as good, and I heard that the thumbsticks will go out.

The first one feels almost exaclty like a Sony Dual Shock, except with a little more heft, and the extrusions (pistol grip things) are designed a little better.

long winded :p It's a good deal, only $10 more than the original Sony controller.
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Acceptable_Risk said:
I think the first one is the old revision and I think it's actually a little bigger.
Ricedaddy said:
It's the first one. The first one is the newer version of the controller.
I love the Internet... ;) Thanks for all the advice, I'll be checking these out.