my pc quit playing video for me...?

Oct 1, 2004
All of a sudden my comp quit being able to play any video for me, no matter what prog i try to play it with. the programs all play mp3's fine, but not any form of videos. It plays the sound of it, albeit choppy, and my comp eventually gets back to normal after some lag without totally freezing on me, but i can't see the video. I reinstalled media player 10, that didn't help either. The only thing that i have installed lately is the new nforce 4 chipset drivers, and my comp runs absolutely great on those, everything works great, games and all, but just not videos for some reason. Anybody have any ideas?
ladies and gentleman we have a winner. It was my 4xAA and 8xAS settings. hmmm....can i keep them set to that, and then click application controlled, and will it allow it to run on games, but not on progs like media player?
i'm answering my own questions hear, lol. It must have been the antrisopic filter, i left that at 8x and put it to app controlled, and it works again. Hopefully it turns it on for games tho