My harddrive just disappeared...


Limp Gawd
May 19, 2002
The harddrive is attached to a pci ide card and during boot up the pci card shows it detects that harddrive. For some reason windows wont recognize that harddrive though. Im at a lost on how to fix this.

This is the harddrive that is not being detected in my computer even though its detected in device manager.

My normal working harddrive. Why does it show as the space as being unallocated? Im so affraid of losing all my data on that harddrive...:(
Well from the pics it appears your hdd is unpartationed whether it be from a virus or drive corruption killing the partations.
qb4ever said:
Well from the pics it appears your hdd is unpartationed whether it be from a virus or drive corruption killing the partations.
I'm with him there...something killed the partition. Permanently or temporarily either way...Windows isn't able to read the partition tables.
I would try running an FDISK /MBR on the drive...but it does appear as though the partition doesn't exist. What does the drive show up as in the Drive Management Console?