My First Untangle Experience


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
So I finally got Untangle configured at my small office. It's configured to be an actual Firewall w/ NAT and not the other option where it's a router:

DSL Router (Dynamic IP) ---> Untangle ---> Dell 2761 switch ---> LAN

It works great and I love the applications you can download & enable/disable on the virtual rack. There are however a few questions I have and I can't find the answer to.

1. Can I move the arrangement of applications on the virtual rack?

2. If I configured DynDNS on the Firewall and from anywhere on the Internet I can ping that hostname I created from DynDNS but how can I remotely access & make changes to Untangle? I would like to be able to modify the Firewall while I'm from home or another location.

3. I've downloaded 'OpenVPN' and configured the VPN server. I was told then I need to generate clients which I did. I created 3 user clients but my question is how do they VPN into the LAN? Is there a client they need or how does it work?

4. I've installed the Firewall application but it seems to block virtually nothing due to not having any rules database by default. Is there a rules template I can download that has a general policy that's safe for basic use? I can't even tell if it blocks DDoS and other commonly used cracker methods.
1. Can I move the arrangement of applications on the virtual rack? Not sure I've been content with where they are at.

2. If I configured DynDNS on the Firewall and from anywhere on the Internet I can ping that hostname I created from DynDNS but how can I remotely access & make changes to Untangle? I would like to be able to modify the Firewall while I'm from home or another location.You need to enable remote administration. It's under the administration settings>enable external administration.

3. I've downloaded 'OpenVPN' and configured the VPN server. I was told then I need to generate clients which I did. I created 3 user clients but my question is how do they VPN into the LAN? Is there a client they need or how does it work? You need to give them the client from untangle. Install it, and as long as it is configured correctly, it should work.

4. I've installed the Firewall application but it seems to block virtually nothing due to not having any rules database by default. Is there a rules template I can download that has a general policy that's safe for basic use? I can't even tell if it blocks DDoS and other commonly used cracker methods. You have to make your own rules. I use the protocol control a little more heavily and then also disable IMCP on the external interface along with SSH. I like to use the firewall to drop traffic to specific hosts. For example, if I want all web traffic from the external interface not to reach a client.