MW3 gameplay trailer

Looks like the MW formula will be in full swing!

Enter Scene w/ Bro-mazing Vehicle -> Cut Scene -> Follow Linear Path -> Squad Mates Tell You Exactly What To Do -> Do It -> Big Explosion -> Cut Scene -> Linear Path -> Fight On Set Piece With Useless Squad Mates -> End Level -> Repeat
I loved the part where the building fell sideways and the guy was on the ground watching it. I haven't seen that in ANYYY gameplay recently of any game. /sarcasm.

I'm not implying BF3 did it the first ever, but it seems like a strange coincidence to have practically the same scene in your trailer a couple months after your competitor did it.
I loved the part where the building fell sideways and the guy was on the ground watching it. I haven't seen that in ANYYY gameplay recently of any game. /sarcasm.

I'm not implying BF3 did it the first ever, but it seems like a strange coincidence to have practically the same scene in your trailer a couple months after your competitor did it.

Yea, I thought the same thing.
I loved the part where the building fell sideways and the guy was on the ground watching it. I haven't seen that in ANYYY gameplay recently of any game. /sarcasm.

I'm not implying BF3 did it the first ever, but it seems like a strange coincidence to have practically the same scene in your trailer a couple months after your competitor did it.

They seem pretty proud of their trailers, they likely had this whole thing planned out months in advance.

In other other news, I would really like these games if they were not so freaking linear for actual game play.
Wow I thought I was going to be able to play it over summer, hell no will I be able to play it next year with my senior project next year :(
I've managed to somehow avoid all things CoD...well, ever...but, God forbid, this actually struck me as looking potentially interesting. I'm not sure what the heck to think. :confused:
The only real 'improvement' this adds to the series, according to the leak, is the firefight mode stolen from ODST that nobody asked for.
The series is slipping further and further into ridiculous Michael Bay type hollywood movie each game. The first one felt great because it had a more realistic plot, it felt like a realistic Tom Clancy type thriller.

Now each game is just getting more and more absurd. You might as well give the guy a jetpack and have aliens invade in MW4.
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I guess lots of people want an experience that's straightforward, looks pretty nice, and has that hollywood-explosions-everywhere-all-the-time-rehashed feel to it.

I'm one of those people - I find the MW series damned fun and I'm looking forward to MW3 ;)

I guess lots of people want an experience that's straightforward, looks pretty nice, and has that hollywood-explosions-everywhere-all-the-time-rehashed feel to it.

I'm one of those people - I find the MW series damned fun and I'm looking forward to MW3 ;)

Hear hear...or is it here here? How about ditto? Yeah that's it. Ditto.

Looking forward.
Meh, it all has been done before, using the same old engine though they claim it is has been tweaked with innovation (We'll see about that one), the graphics look outdated, doesn't look special or very exciting. I would prefer to see Infinity Ward focus on a new project that isn't Call Of Duty related.
Meh, it all has been done before, using the same old engine though they claim it is has been tweaked with innovation (We'll see about that one), the graphics look outdated, doesn't look special or very exciting. I would prefer to see Infinity Ward focus on a new project that isn't Call Of Duty related.

Nah man, they have to grind it into the ground like Guitar Hero and the other has-beens first.

Then maybe they'll make something new.
There wasn't much gameplay in all of that. I'll wait to see a proper gameplay trailer instead of a mashed up trailer.

I guess lots of people want an experience that's straightforward, looks pretty nice, and has that hollywood-explosions-everywhere-all-the-time-rehashed feel to it.

I'm one of those people - I find the MW series damned fun and I'm looking forward to MW3 ;)

Problem is, nobody knows what they want. That's why marketing takes over. I highly doubt BF3 will achieve it's very unrealistic goal of 'overtaking' COD. Whatever they're spending will not amount to anything compared to COD's 4+ year-strong lead, and I think DICE has become a little too conceited.
First CoD game that I'm not going to buy. After Black Ops I really lost hope for the franchise.
To hell with these games, and to hell with activision. Keep putting a new varnish on that same old turd and making millions off of it, what a joke.
Quick, Battlefield 3 is at our heels! Throw lots and lots of flying cars at the player! many cars did they have flying through the air in one short trailer. Fuck off Infinity Ward, shovelware developer.
COD is to videogames what Jersey Shore is to Television.
Same formula as before? No co-op SP and no destructable environments? I like COD but jeeze get with the fucking times.:rolleyes:
I really LOLed when I saw the building fall with guy on the ground, copy more please.
I am an avid CoD gamer but even I look at it and see that it is bringing absolutely nothing new to the table. Oh, it looks good, and I know I'll buy it, but I keep hearing people say they're "taking it to new heights" and crap. Stop kidding yourself, it's the same game with minor tweaks, and with sales #'s that they have why would they change?

Looks like the MW formula will be in full swing!

Enter Scene w/ Bro-mazing Vehicle -> Cut Scene -> Follow Linear Path -> Squad Mates Tell You Exactly What To Do -> Do It -> Big Explosion -> Cut Scene -> Linear Path -> Fight On Set Piece With Useless Squad Mates -> End Level -> Repeat

LOL, well said!

lol releasing a few days before UC3.

True, but you and I know that it'll sell 4:1 over UC3.

The only real 'improvement' this adds to the series, according to the leak, is the firefight mode stolen from ODST that nobody asked for.

Nobody asked for firefight? It seems to me like everyone is asking for firefight (like zombies).

The series is slipping further and further into ridiculous Michael Bay type hollywood movie each game. The first one felt great because it had a more realistic plot, it felt like a realistic Tom Clancy type thriller.

Now each game is just getting more and more absurd. You might as well give the guy a jetpack and have aliens invade in MW4.

CoD 4 was definitely the pinnacle but I'm with you, they're getting more ridiculous every time.

To hell with these games, and to hell with activision. Keep putting a new varnish on that same old turd and making millions off of it, what a joke.

Did you really just say that? And you expect them to change?
looks good to me, with what little you can decipher from a theatrical mash-up trailer like that. anxious to see more gameplay vids come down the pike :)
Not sure if that was directed at me but I didn't say I hate it, I just said it's nothing new. I've got over about 30 days worth of MP time logged between CoD 4/MW2/Black Ops and I still enjoy the games immensely (Blops less than the MW games).
I agree that the storyline of MW2 suffered quite a bit compared to its outstanding predecessor, but I still enjoyed playing the game and definitely will play #3. I'll play BF3, too. Hope both games are entertaining.
What were the new and exciting parts in the trailer? :confused: I didn't see any...