Multple Monitors on Crossfire


Dec 24, 2005
Hello All, I have an Motherboard with an Intel x38 chipset, I need to run three monitors, but I still like to game some. Will the ATI cards in crossfire run multiple monitors meaning three. left to right 1280 x 1024, 1900 x 1200, 1280 x 1024. Any info would be appreaciated.
Looking at two ATI 3870 512mb,
You can only use dual monitors with crossfire enabled. If you disable crossfire you can run three.
You can only use dual monitors with crossfire enabled. If you disable crossfire you can run three.

Renesis13B is correct. AMD/ATI's literature isn't exactly clear *how* multiple monitors are supported, just that it is supported.

Only monitors connected to the primary card can display video with crossfire activated with the current release of Crossfire X (8.4) on my Vista x64 system. So that means only two monitors...

It's not really that bad since one can toggle between non-crossfire and crossfire settings through the catalyst control center without rebooting. But definitely it would be better if monitors connected to the secondary card were also supported in crossfire mode when no 3D accelerated programs were running... but currently it is not supported. :-<