Multiple Public IPs - How do I set this up


Nov 17, 2005
My ISP has assigned a second IP to my account and I was told all I needed to do was put a switch after the modem, then plug in two routers. Well that just sounded to easy and it was. My untangle box ended up assigning an IP to the other device instead of it pulling a different public IP from the modem. Heres what I had for the test setup:

ISP > Cable Modem > switch port #1 > from here I have 2 devices needing public IPs

switch port #2) > WAN port/card on the Untangle box w/ DHCP > Internal network w/ mutiple devices
switch port #3) > For the sake of this test I just used a desktop, but the Untangle box assigned an internal IP here??????

My goal is to have one IP going to my Untangle box that handles everything in the store and the new IP going to another Untangle box that I'm going to use for remote testing.

Could someone help point me in the right direction? I don't know if I need to setup vLANs, 1:1 NAT or what. What really has me confused is how the Untangle box was able to use it's WAN port to send an IP to the other machine. I was under the impression that DHCP only sent out IPs from the the LAN port/card.

Thank you for any help.
your 2nd PC shouldn't be getting an internal IP address unless Untangle is incorrectly configured or plugged in incorrectly.

Untangle should NOT be sending DHCP leases out its' WAN port.

I guess the question is; how does your IP provide multiple IPs?
How does your Untangle currently receive an IP from your ISP? DHCP, static config?
Thank you for the reply j-sta

Q - I guess the question is; how does your IP provide multiple IPs?
A - I'm not sure, I called them and asked about purchasing another IP and they said no problem we can assign another one to your modem. I'm assuming Docsys has this ability????

Q - How does your Untangle currently receive an IP from your ISP? DHCP, static config?
A - The External card is set to DHCP assigned.

I dont know if this is relevent, but my Untangle box is actually a VM running on a machine with 2 ethernet cards.
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Alright, I guess I'll chalk this one up to being Friday. I set it back up again and damn if it isn't working correctly now. Who wants to bet I didn't remember to /release/renew
you don't have that Untangle box's secondary card plugged into the switch also, right? :D :p

can you disconnect the Untangle box, then do a ipconfig /release/renew on the other box to see if it will then pick up the second IP?
you don't have that Untangle box's secondary card plugged into the switch also, right? :D :p

can you disconnect the Untangle box, then do a ipconfig /release/renew on the other box to see if it will then pick up the second IP?

That will probably "work," but you would want to make sure that is would never arise again. Fix it now that they auto-config from the DHCP from the ISP when it releases/expires/renews/requests. Assuming that you are using DHCP to configure from your static pool, of course. If you have to set them as statics, then it wouldn't matter.

One would not want to deal with the remote hosting Untangle box getting an IP from the main Untangle after a poweroutage at 2am in the morning on a Saturday. :p