Multi-Desktop apps for Vista?

Dario D.

Dec 8, 2004
Hi all. I recently downloaded 3 or 4 trial apps for programs that let you have multiple desktops, but none did what I wanted: let you have essentially multiple desktops for which to separate your DESKTOP ICONS, not just running windows.

Is there program that lets you quickly and easily swap desktops, so that you can have one screen cluttered with icons, and another screen nice and clean, etc? I believe Ubuntu (Linux OS) let you do this, though I never messed with it much...

I would need it for Vista though.
Do you mean like Compz?


then no, I don't think there is. Desktops is the closest thing to it.
Desktop icons! Wow, I can hardly even remember the last time I used one of those. Apart from, of course, having a look at how you make them bigger in Vista by using the mouse scroll wheel, and thinking how nifty-looking they made such a thoroughly useless thing.

Answer to your question, though, is "I don't think so." I haven't yet come across any mention of a multiple desktop app which would do what you describe.
Desktop icons! Wow, I can hardly even remember the last time I used one of those.

LMAO. I still use mine on my work box, which I've still got XP on. But all of my frequent apps are just pinned to start menu.

And nothing beats Vista's launch of any program with a few keystrokes... I never use my Vista desktop icons.
*bump*... So, any takers on what apps might allow this desktop switching? Haven't found anything yet on or just Google searching...
Don't think you'll find any really. The desktop is integrated heavily within the system processes. I'm also unsure how Aero would react to.

I do know it's planned out of the box for 7 though, similar to how macs have done.
Windows Key and then typing in the application name is still faster than using your cursor to hit a desktop icon IMO.