MSI K8N Neo 2 Platinum 939 OR MSI K8N Neo4 Platinum Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 Ultra


Aug 29, 2005
Slight quandry!! I can go either way with my 939 efforts....Have both of the Mobos listed in Title, and can go either AGP (Neo 2) or PCI-E...(Neo 4)
In your humble opinions, which board would give me best stability and decent overclock options?? I have heard some shaky things about the Neo 4 and just wondered if anyone has thoughts on this based on knowledge of each board.
We simply want a good solid board that offers nice performance and I have both of these...
If you're planning on doing much gaming, I'd have to say the nForce4, simply because your options in video cards is going to be less than desirable with AGP.

Also, if you're planning on doing more than air-cooling, the Neo2 only offers vCore up to ~1.53v, at least for mine does.