.mp3 Organizing


Oct 6, 2006
OK, so I have a couple thousand .mp3's that I have acquired from "various sources", and they all have funky names. I have been using iTunes to organize and listen to them, and also to put them on my iPod, but I am starting to feel the limitations of iTunes and am considering Rockboxing my iPod. Does anyone know of a (hopefully free) program that would save me the countless hours of organizing this music into folders?
Ephpod is free, and is ok.

Anapod Explorer is not free, but worth every single penny.

And, out of curiosity, why bother mentioning that these mp3 files you have were acquired through "various sources", because honestly, that just makes it sound like you've been illegally downloading mp3 files... and that's not something that I would brag about.. but that's just me, soooo...
Thanks, I looked at those, but will they actually rename the song file, like while it is in its folder? or is it like iTunes where it just renames the song in the program?

And I really didn't mean to sound like I was bragging, I was just emphasizing that alot of my .mp3s have odd names. Some may have been acquired through potentially illegal means, but not many (even though I don't truly understand whats wrong with that, but thats another discussion.) Many were bought from iTunes, and the rest came off CDs.
Try Anapod, it will make your life alot easier.

There is nothing that's going to automagically rename and organize all of your files for you, but Anapod makes it pretty painless.

And if you really want to mod your iPod, may want to check out the forums over here.... lot's of helpful advice.
Well renaming the files depends a LOT on the quality of the ID3 tag information. I've used a couple of MP3 file renaming utilities that would rename your files based on that data. Pretty handy if you're pulling your files off of iTunes since most of the time the file name is unimportant when running inside of there -but once you're outside of iTunes, you're going to have to make sure your naming is good. Personally, I like naming each file as ARTIST, ALBUM, TRACK, SONG TITLE. I also put each album in a folder named YEAR, ALBUM. This way, as your collection of albums grows from a certain artist, the albums appear in the order they were released. Finally, I will have a single folder for each artist. Frankly, I don't use any software for organization of MP3's. I have over 50,000 songs (11 years of collecting) and just don't trust a single software platform with my collection. I go with simple file naming discipline and then just play through Winamp.
Well renaming the files depends a LOT on the quality of the ID3 tag information. I've used a couple of MP3 file renaming utilities that would rename your files based on that data. Pretty handy if you're pulling your files off of iTunes since most of the time the file name is unimportant when running inside of there -but once you're outside of iTunes, you're going to have to make sure your naming is good. Personally, I like naming each file as ARTIST, ALBUM, TRACK, SONG TITLE. I also put each album in a folder named YEAR, ALBUM. This way, as your collection of albums grows from a certain artist, the albums appear in the order they were released. Finally, I will have a single folder for each artist. Frankly, I don't use any software for organization of MP3's. I have over 50,000 songs (11 years of collecting) and just don't trust a single software platform with my collection. I go with simple file naming discipline and then just play through Winamp.

I guess thats what I'm gunna have to do by hand too.
Mediamonkey! You can get it for free *Although gold is better*. And it lets you edit tags very easily. Once your'e tags are straight 2 button clicks later all files are renamed according to the tags. It's sweet, i've done it to thousands of files at once :D
Those are more like what was looking for. I'll have to go through and find which one I like best, thanks a lot.