Moving Harddisks


Limp Gawd
Aug 1, 2005
Ok so I'm trying to install windows onto a second computer I got and Its not going well at all.

When trynig to install windows 2000 I get to the part where it copies the installation files onto the harddrive but then says that it cant read any files from the cd. I tried a few other installation disks and the same result. I even tried other cd-roms but to no avail.

Its strange that it reads the disk fine until it copies the files over, same thing happens with windows 98.

I read something about coping the files directly from the CD onto the harddrive and load setup after booting from a Win98 boot disk. I tried this but it just stop working after running setup.exe from dos.

As a last resort I tried installing windows xp onto the harddrive from my desktop pc. It went well until i tried booting into windows. I get a "Invalid system disk, Replace the disk, and then press any key" message. I guess there is no boot file or something. I'm clueless and I would love some help since I've been dealing with this crap for a while now. Can I get windows to boot after installling it from another pc?

Its a PIII celeron 800mhz cpu sitting on some generic mobo.

help is appreciated
Run the HDD manufacturer's utilities on the hard drive. Also a few rounds of memtest wouldn't hurt.
Are you using a SATA drive? If so, have you loaded the drivers via the F6 to install scsi drivers? Also, when choosing the driver during setup (if you are getting that far), is that driver formated?