Motion detector. Is this possible with webcam?


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2004
So I was thinking, is there any software out there which connects to the video from a webcam and if there is movement on the screen for more then x seconds it would start recording until the movement stoped?

I guess what it really comes down to and I have no idea is that a montion detector works by software or hardware?

Now I know this next thing doesn't belong in software but if all of the above is a no where would one get a cheap motion camera to record on a computer (so its all digital)? Thanks
Well :-p

I guess next time I'll try to do a little research before hand... Thanks for the help
My webcam cam with motion detection software. I actually just turned motion activated record on today, as there are some people comming into my apartment to clean the outside of the windows.