Motherboard, Videocard, Power Supply or all

Sep 3, 2004
I'm stupid I ran my rig on a crappy 350W powersupply dell gave me, after around 22-23 months it started crapping out on me.

It wouldnt display monitor when i booted, after around 6-10 tries it would run fine, but I would blue screen once or twice a 24 hour cycle.

I figured something was wrong with the powersupply and it wasnt up to the task.

Now it boots, but after i get past the Windows XP Pro loading screen and i get to what should be my desktop I get artifacing all over the screen like black horizontal bars across the screen, which seems like a video card crap out, also its not reading my two DVD ROM drives, which could just be cause a connection got loose or it could be cause the mobo is f--ed up.

So what does it sound like, I realize I need a new power supply so ill buy that, but is my 6800GT fried too, or is that a mobo problem?

3.4 ghz P4
Turtle Beach Catalina Sound Card
180gb HD SATA?

Thanks a ton
It might be just the PS is finally fully taking a crap and not giving correct voltage to your components therefore they will go nuts.

I recommended trouble shooting first by replacing the powersupply, which sounds like, shoulda been done awhile ago!

Good luck
Alright sounds good, any budget PS you would recommend and would a 450W do fine or should I go for something more.

I never built a computer totally from strach will this PS replacement take some work, or is it fairly straight forward?

Thanks a lot
Thats your call, but I can tell you that thermaltake will be more then enough for ya, unless your using SLI or something. And that PS will be very quiet compared to most PS's
one last stupid question before I pour 3 hours work of pay into this, I have a Dell Dimension 8400 case, and the standard PSU, will this fit, the computer was circa Christmas 2004 (i got it as a gift thats why i didnt build one)

As long as its got atleast 400W and has the proper pin count for your motherboard 20 or 24pin, sure.. some boards also require a 4 pin connector for the cpu source as well like Asus's. If it has all that, then sure, but I doubt an older dell will. you can check tho.