Motherboard Problem??


Limp Gawd
Sep 1, 2004
I have a Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P Rev 1.1 motherboard that I am currently having trouble with.

Yesterday, I turned my PC off to move it to the other side of the room. All I did was disconnect the cables and carefully moved my tower and peripherals, and reconnected them. Now my PC will not power up. I have tried everything I could think of and I believe my motherboard may have quit on me.

Here's what happens- I plugged the power cable into the wall and pressed the power button. Nothing. Actually, it turns on for about half a second, and that's it. I see the fans in my PC turn a little bit and there is a flash from the LED's on the motherboard lighting up like usual when it is turned on. Only, it doesn't stay on. It's like if you were to turn the PC on and then really quickly, turn it off again. After it does that once, I can keep pressing the power switch and I get nothing at all. No little movements of the fans, no LED's lighting up, nothing. As if it were unplugged. Also, I noticed that my USB keyboard, which has built-in backlights, still lit up when plugged into a USB port on the motherboard while the PC is off. It has always done this as far as I know. So I don't think it's a power supply issue.

So, I started off trying to reset my CMOS. I connected the two pins on the jumper to reset the CMOS for 5 seconds. Still didn't work, no success. I tried taking the CMOS battery out and leaving it out for 2 minutes. No success. I tried removing all my cables from my power supply to all the peripherals inside the computer. I double checked the wiring to make sure there weren't any shorts. No success. I tried removing the video card and re-seating it. No success. I tried removing all 4 sticks of RAM and re-seating them. No success. I removed the entire motherboard from the chassis and used some air duster to get every little particle of dust out of every little nook and cranny. No success.

I seem to have run out of options at this point. I was wondering if you could give me any more tips to figure out this problem? Or perhaps I need to RMA this motherboard? Also, I just purchased this in February from So it's less than 3 months old.
Mods can kill this thread. I double checked the PSU and it's definitely the PSU. The voltages are all down by about half of what they should be. Thanks anyways guys.