Modem Tweak?


Aug 26, 2002
At work I have to use dial up. However, it seems that every 30-45 minutes the connection seems to 'hang' and I cannot access anything. AOL says I'm still connected, but obviously no data goes through. I have to disconnect, and then reconnect. After doing so, speeds are OK. Here's the setup:

Toshiba laptop with a Toshiba Software Modem.
AOL dial up (I use the aol dialer instead of loading the program. and yes, the problem still exists even when loading the program)
Windows XP 2 w/ SP2
2.8ghz Celeron
448 ram

I know way back 'in the day' there used to be 'tweaks' you can do for dial up. Can anybody give me an idea of what my problem is and any tweaks i can try to resolve this? Remember this is my work stuff, so I can't buy new stuff for it, or change aol to something else (trust me, i would already have done this). But, I can tweak and change anything software wise that I please.
It's America Offline...
I remember when I had aol I used to have an automatic dialer when ever I got kicked off.