mobo problem?


Sep 2, 2005
guys, i need some help...
im not sure if this is a psu or a mobo problem, so im posting this in both forums. anybody have any idea what the problem is?

first off, what happened as far as i can remember:

psu: forton 550 watt fsp550-60pln (24 pin)
mobo: gigabyte ga-k8n ultra 9 (24 pin)

backup equipment

old mobo that came with my hp (20 pin)
crappy 450 watt psu that came with my case (20 pin)
(link to image)

a spare 12v fan, and 5v led light

i was on my comp, and i noticed the weather getting pretty bad (aka thunderstorm). so i play it safe, turn off my computer and disconnect my surge protector from the wall. the next day, my computer wont turn on. wtf? i check everything, and the only thing that was connected to the wall was my ethernet cable. there were no burn marks or funny smells emanating from the cable or jack, so i figured that wasnt the problem. i open up my case, and reseat everything. still no power up. getting a bit flustered, i take out my psu, hook up a 12 volt fan and a 5-vold led light, and short the green and ground to make it start. the fan runs, and the led light shines. everything a ok. i hook it up to my mobo again, but nothing happenes when i hit the power button. i make sure the powerbutton wiring is ok, and try again. getting a bit desperate, i shove a paper clip to the back of 24 pin connector's green and ground to try and start it. still nothing happens. i disconnect just the mobo and the vid card, leaving the hdd, fans, and cd drive. i short the same wires, and everything whirrs to life. next, i remove the psu, and hook it up to my 20 pin test mobo. i hit the powerbutton. i hear fans coming to life and the mobo beeping. wtf. now im convinced that my mobo is fried. i hook up a backup 20-pin psu to my mobo, and hit the powerbutton. expecting nothing, im pretty surprised to see my comp posting and loading the os. wtf.

so to recap:

24pin psu + 24 mobo= :(
24 pin psu by itself plus some fans/led/hard drives= :)
24 pin psu + 20 pin mobo = :)
20 pin psu + 24 pin mobo= :)
me = ???

now, anybody have any idea what the problem might be? cause im currently running my computer with the backup psu and im expecting it to 'explode any minute now...

EDIT: forgot to mentions something: when the forton psu was hooked up, it seem to apparently 'pulse' electricity through. Basically, my mouse has led scroll light that usually is always on, even when the computer is shut down, and when it was hooked up to the psu, the led was flickering.
Its been a while, but i have some updated info to the problem. I initally leaned on the psu being the source of trouble, but now im starting to think the mobo is the culprit.

first off, i tested my psu's voltages, and everything was where it should have been. second i hooked up my psu to my bro's computer (which was a 24 pin), and everything was a ok.

so that ruled out the psu.

now heres the current problem:

my computer is experiencing random crashes to the post screen. the windows' error report says its a hardware error. The crashes seem to happen whenever i try to run a big program or game (i.e. Battlefied 2142 or Rainbow six vegas). could the source of the crashed be my shoddy back-up psu that im forced to use now, or the mobo?

either way, i have to replace either a psu, or a mobo. (i hope its the mobo, since i already have a perfectly fine psu, plus i get to choose a mobo with some new bells and whistles :D ----but then again, i rather not spend any extra moola, cause im kinda broke right now...)