Minecraft's "Notch" latest to bash Windows 8

Oh for the love of......

This is all based on speculation that will never happen. Windows 8 runs legacy apps. All of them (well, not 16-bit apps on 64-bit systems, but other than that, you get the point). That's not changing because it's WINDOWS.
He's not really bashing windows 8... he's just saying that if Microsoft locked down their platform it would be bad for Indie developers...

In other news, if the internet were to go away, virus and malware attacks would drastically drop!
It appears that some of these grumbly devs haven't tested Windows 8 out enough to be aware of it's capabilities. The truth is that MS really wouldn't get away with locking down the Metro store w/o a severe backlash from the software & game development communities.
It's one thing to criticize the OS for things it does.

But it makes absolutely no sense to criticize the OS for doing things it isn't doing. Windows 8 isn't locked down so its a complaint about some hypothetical OS that doesn't exist. I've heard many similar comments like "I can't believe I have to install programs with Metro". What joy do these people have in making shit up?
It's one thing to criticize the OS for things it does.

But it makes absolutely no sense to criticize the OS for doing things it isn't doing. Windows 8 isn't locked down so its a complaint about some hypothetical OS that doesn't exist. I've heard many similar comments like "I can't believe I have to install programs with Metro". What joy do these people have in making shit up?

Just wondering if you've ever heard of Windows RT?

Perhaps you should read up.


It will officially only run software available through the Windows Store or included in Windows RT including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote as standard.

While it's true that they aren't doing anything to specifically break legacy support of old applications on x86 that are not distributed through the windows store, it's pretty clear the direction they are going moving forward. App developers will have a choice of developing metro apps that work on any version of Windows (X86 or ARM) that will ONLY be allowed to be distributed via the windows store, or they can make legacy apps for X86 that don't work on any Windows RT device.

Windows RT ARM tablets will be cheaper than x86 tablets and likely what more people are going to buy. The exact same type of people who play games like minecraft.
Just wondering if you've ever heard of Windows RT?

Perhaps you should read up.


While it's true that they aren't doing anything to specifically break legacy support of old applications on x86 that are not distributed through the windows store, it's pretty clear the direction they are going moving forward. App developers will have a choice of developing metro apps that work on any version of Windows (X86 or ARM) that will ONLY be allowed to be distributed via the windows store, or they can make legacy apps for X86 that don't work on any Windows RT device.

Windows RT ARM tablets will be cheaper than x86 tablets and likely what more people are going to buy. The exact same type of people who play games like minecraft.
Windows RT doesn't compete with Windows, it competes with the iPad. Is notch complaining about Apple locking down its devices too?
Just wondering if you've ever heard of Windows RT?

Perhaps you should read up.


While it's true that they aren't doing anything to specifically break legacy support of old applications on x86 that are not distributed through the windows store, it's pretty clear the direction they are going moving forward. App developers will have a choice of developing metro apps that work on any version of Windows (X86 or ARM) that will ONLY be allowed to be distributed via the windows store, or they can make legacy apps for X86 that don't work on any Windows RT device.

Windows RT ARM tablets will be cheaper than x86 tablets and likely what more people are going to buy. The exact same type of people who play games like minecraft.

Neither the article or any of the posts are talking about RT, why bring it up? And it's not like creating a mobile OS and locking it down to your own app store is some crazy idea that no one else is currently using.....

If MS tries to lock down the full OS, then everyone can start bitching. Until then, why are we even posting this nonsense?
I can see how people want to draw conclusions, but we just can't just. We can play "But what if..." all day and draw up the most insane theory. At the end of the day though we have what has been put in front of us, and after using Win8 daily for quite some time now, I honestly can't see why these people are complaining.
It's one thing to criticize the OS for things it does.

But it makes absolutely no sense to criticize the OS for doing things it isn't doing. Windows 8 isn't locked down so its a complaint about some hypothetical OS that doesn't exist. I've heard many similar comments like "I can't believe I have to install programs with Metro". What joy do these people have in making shit up?

Are you speaking to what Notch said? Because:

If Microsoft decides to lock down Windows 8, it would be very, very bad for Indie games and competition in general.

If Microsoft decides to lock down Windows 8

Neither the article or any of the posts are talking about RT, why bring it up? And it's not like creating a mobile OS and locking it down to your own app store is some crazy idea that no one else is currently using.....

"Windows RT" is just "Windows 8 for ARM". Most people will just see "Windows 8" and not even know or care what processor they are running. Microsoft is trying to create an ecosystem where you can write an app for metro and that very same app will run on anything from a full fledged X86-64 desktop to a tiny ARM tablet to an XBox. That might be easy to dismiss right now but as metro devices become more popular, especially ARM tablets and after the next XBox comes out, there will be increasing pressure on developers to cater to those devices. No app dev gets a piece of the ARM pie unless they buy into Microsoft's closed system. I wouldn't be surprised to see Microsoft selling their ARM surface tablet at a loss just to build up that userbase.
Are you speaking to what Notch said? Because:

I'm speaking to exactly what Notch implied. Language isn't only made up of the exact words that are typed. Thanks for the font sizes though, I hope you had fun.
Yeah, all of these guys are being a bit incredulous, they are mostly worried about Microsoft getting into the app distribution business, not Windows 8 per se. The problem for Microsoft is that if Metro were completely open the platform would become a complete cluster fuck of malware and beyond crap apps before it had a chance to mature and Microsoft simply can't afford that with the risk they are taking. Sure it's a new revenue stream but that's still a minor concern compared to having a solid Metro ecosystem.

For Windows 8 I don' think that these concerns from game devs are particularly valid. Now with Windows RT I can see the issue but still, a lot of devs seem to be doing pretty well on iOS and that app model.

But I guess there is the long term question of the Windows desktop and people thinking it's going away which I just don't ever see happening. Indeed in time I could see the Windows RT desktop opening up allowing for open installation of desktop Windows ARM apps. I see that happening before I see the x86 desktop going away.
Why is Valve spending real money to get into nix heatlesssun? It's not just talk on their part.

This is not the typical Win hate that surrounds every new version of Win. MS looks like they want to walk towards Apple. That scares a lot of people, and it threatens a lot of bottom lines. Go a head and defend away now, It is not like it can hurt, or help anything.
Why is Valve spending real money to get into nix heatlesssun? It's not just talk on their part.

This is not the typical Win hate that surrounds every new version of Win. MS looks like they want to walk towards Apple. That scares a lot of people, and it threatens a lot of bottom lines. Go a head and defend away now, It is not like it can hurt, or help anything.

Well it can hurt bottom lines in other ways we've not talked about. For one it does open up an app store for a lot of little guys and existing mobile OS platform. There's a lot of talk about Microsoft "closing" down Windows but the real truth is that Microsoft wants all the developers on Earth to write Metro apps and that provides a lot competition for Valve and others that will have to compete with cheaper Metro games and apps.

I have no problem with Valve and other game companies developing for Linux. I just don't think there's much money to be made in gaming for desktop Linux. I think that developing Metro apps and games would be a much better investment for most game companies but I do understand the resistance to handing over 20% to 30% of sales over to Microsoft.

But a lot of games and apps that would not have existed on Windows will be coming to Metro and that's certainly part of the issue that concerns existing developers.
Probably because they want to make a console and don't want to pay for a volume license from Microsoft.

I kind of think that this is where this Linux work is headed and why I think Gabe is full of it. Valve criticizing Microsoft for locking down Windows 8 and then coming out with it's own proprietary platform would be just too precious.
John Smedley (Sony) joining the ranks as well:


The thing I don't get is... Windows 8 / RT is basically the equivalent of OS X / iOS. And nobody complains about the latter, including many of these devs.

And get this, he said:

I believe in a completely open ecosystem on PCs. I don't mind the gatekeeper approach on Mac. But that's as far as it should go. Any further and I have to shout as loudly as I can NO FURTHER.

No double standard there.
I understand locking down RT, I really think that is the way to go to make everything just work if they fully intend to compete with iOS and the iPad infrastructure. And making Metro apps work across both desktop and the tablet is a great idea. And honestly I dont see people migrating to their games to Linux with such a small user base, they are all in to make money and catering to such a small ecosystem is not the best investment of time. Of course this is all just imo.