MimarSinan Software--BEWARE


Sep 20, 2005
So, I needed a utility to extract a .sit file that I received from a Mac user. Since Stuffit seems to have stopped providing their free Expander (without submitting to a compulsory trial of their full software), I looked for an alternative. I found, via Google, Comprexx by the aforementioned MimarSinan which was supposed to be up the job.

After downloading and installing the 5MB trial version of CompreXX, I found to my consternation that it would not recognize the .sit files. Further investigation revealed the necessity to download an additional 2MB, well hidden plugin pack, which I did. During the install, the plugin found it necessary to connect to the Internet for a quite lengthy period of time. Since I found this behavior unacceptable, I terminated the install.

I emailed MimarSinan (MS) tech support. The exchange is appended verbatim:

I downloaded your trial software plus the plugin to extract .sit
files (By the way, I think a "full" download should not need any
extra plugins to do its job). I do not understand why the software
and plugin need to connect to the Internet in order to install and be
functional. Looks like spyware to me, so I cancelled the install.

An explanation from you would be helpful.



I downloaded your trial software plus the plugin to extract .sit files
(By the way, I think a "full" download should not need any extra
plugins to do its job)

MS: And I should be interested in what you think because...?

I do not understand why the software and plugin need to connect to the
Internet in order to install and be functional.

MS: Clearly, your arrogance far exceeds the abilities of your
intellect. Don't think you can understand everything, as you appear to
lack the necessary faculties.

Looks like spyware to me, so I cancelled the install.

MS: Ah, and paranoid, too! What a nutcase we have here.

An explanation from you would be helpful.

MS: Even assuming you made a purchase, the amount of time it would
take to explain you everything would be worth far more than the price
you paid for the product.

I advise anyone who is even remotely considering buying software from these jackholes to learn from my experience.
damn...that's one of the most ignorant tech support responses I've ever seen.

sue them for slanderous claims and defamation of character :p
Talonz said:
Wow, for that I'd forward that e-mail to his manager

I'm going to phone them so I can get some one-on-one time with whoever is unfortunate enough to take my call. We'll see what kind of response I get...