Mild Taco Sauce?: Samsung TS-H552U DVD-RW DL $55.99 @ NEgg, no MIR


Mar 23, 2005

Review @

Review @

Not the cheapest out there, but cheap none the less. According to the reviews, it doesn't have the best quality writing wise, but it's pretty fast and quiet. I don't have any experience with DVD RW's... anybody out there owns one? Care to comment?
Awww you got my hopes up for free tacos.

But anyway, I would really hop on this deal if I had an extra $60 laying around, I really should have thoght ahead and bought myself a Dual Layer Burner.
So it is fast and it is quiet, but the writer doesn't write so well? Something's wrong here...

You said there are cheaper ones, and it doesn't work very well. Why is this one good?
don't mislead me I have a simple mind I CAME HERE FOR TACOS!!!!
my NEC borke on me, going to get a replacement but I get to pick what one
Samsung > NEC?
Sorry I activated your parotids for nothing :D...

The writing errors that it gives are within normal specs... they're only results on tests. It's not like it's going to produce coasters everytime...

I ended up going for the NEC @$53.99... it has a bit of better ratings in the reviews and have heard good things of it from other users. Honestly, I hadn't heard of the Samsung until today. I only hope that the new BIOS out on May 1 ups the DL speed to 6x.

CoolSpoT: There's good things and bad things about both of them. Read the reviews in CDRLabs... they're pretty complete.
The LG rocks :cool: :
Editor's Choice and a seriously quiet drive. Lovin' it!

Samsung looks like it's a top contender too. I can't speak for the noise of their DVD drives, but they have some of the quietest hard drives.

Use quality media (Verbatim seems to be like the clear winner lately) and you should have good results with any drive.

Good deal!