Mighty Mouse !


Jul 4, 2006
Right clicking, I have selected the option to make the right side of my wireless mighty mouse act as primary button 2, however it dose not seem to work. Am I missing something or do I have a defective mouse? Any help would be appreciated!
primary button 2? I don't know about this but I'm guessing that you've just set it to act as a primary button as well, you'll need to choose secondary button instead
yeah, you do that, but you have to make sure that your index finger is NOT touching the mouse when you right click. since it is touch sensitive, the left click take priority. to right click, you need your finger to not touch the mouse, its a bit of a pain, but you get used to it.
I had one all of about a week before I returned it. OMG I never wanted to throw something across the room like that before.... :mad: Picked up a Logitech Nano VX. Stress went way down shortly after... :p
Thanks for the advice, I just got back from the apple store and they exchanged my mighty mouse for Kensington Si670m bluetooth mouse. The mighty mouse will go down as one of the worst mouses I have every used. Why the hell dosen't apple just build a three button mouse?
actually, the mighty mouse is a 4 button mouse. and for the record, i LOVE mine. and so does everyone who walks by my desk and marvels at its wireless goodness. i havent had any trouble with it after i got used to the whole index finger thing.
I like many love my Mighty Mouse. Yes even though sometimes it senses me touching the other button. Oh well. It's sleek, simple and works.
I have a love/hate relationship with my mighty mouse.

I LOVE the ball scroll.

I'm OK with the touch sensitive buttons, but it sucks for minesweeper :(

I despise the side buttons, so I had to disable them.

other than that I've had the mighty mouse since it was released.
i dont mind the side buttons so much, just wish they were a little softer. they are so hard to squeeze, i dont use them much.

and yeah, ball scrolling rules!
Well, I'm a trackball fan, I don't know why, I just am, so I had one, but after using trackballs for years, I just couldn't get used the the mouse design, but I must say the Mighty Mouse was pretty sweet, and I actually still use one with my laptop as I can't stand the iBook touchpads, and trackballs are hard to carry, so I love my mighty mouse and I've never had a problem with it.