

Apr 30, 2012
SQL server errors right now with getwork! I just had to add to my config files a fallback clear to multipool.

This was a fantastic payday today for middlecoin! I went over .2 for my daily income so it's really hard for me to complain about them. Always make sure you have failovers in place for ANY pool you're using though.

There's much debate about these profit switching pools but middlecoin is without a doubt the easiest to use. Most of the complaints center around horrible stats, high reject rates, high fees etc. I've still found it pays me better than juggling coins myself though.

SunnyD sent me a link to fantastic stats for middlecoin and here's mine: http://mc.vegr.com/flotchart.php?BTC=1NTvuMNmo99UhnBcBoU1GYd9vLEFeyefUi just replace my BTC address with your own and it'll have YOUR stats on it. I have 10Mh when everything is working right but the past week I keep fiddling with stuff and had a card die on me but when its all running I'm at 10Mh. I'm hoping to do some major expansions soon.
I just pointed some miners there after seeing that earlier and didn't connect, thought I had something wrong.

That was a nice payday.
Middlecoin has been good to me as well!
Has anyone tried wafflepool.com? It would be nice to have a secondary altcoin pool that would also pay out in bitcoin.
Hmmm... wafflepool.com looks interesting. I have a feeling that some of the issues people are experiencing with Middlecoin (work restarts, etc.) might be because Middlecoin may be trying to stretch the capabilities of its infrastructure. It's good to see some new alternatives pop up.

Once I've hit my DOGE target, I'll probably give wafflepool.com a try.
I tried it for 2 days, and I still have my 6850 pointed at it to keep up on things. The profitability of wafflepool is a lot less than I was expecting. They are only getting .008 per Mh/s or less right now.
I love the concept and how upfront and involved the admin is, but I am making more money at LTCRabbit right now.
I have my 2.8Mh/s pointed at it right now and the failover at Middlecoin.
I'm a little burned out chasing the alt-tail over the last 10 days so I'll see how this compares prophet wise to my "brain pool". :D
I got tired of chasing too. I've been in the Middle, hung out with the Bro's and went to the Dogehouse. I think I'm going to camp out with the Rabbit for a while since they mine Lite, Doge, and Worldcoin. They switch automatically and pay out in Litecoin, which is easy to exchange for nearly anything. I made more money with them in the past few days than anywhere else I've tried, the servers actually stay up, and the people are friendly.
Unexchanged balance is getting really out of hand right now, wonder what coin they're hoarding?

Time to push more of them to the other pools
I switched to hashbros for shits, because I'm tired of seeing 0.1btc of unexchanged coins. There is some commentary about it on the bitcoin forums.
I feel you. The lack of transparency and accountability from Middlecoin the admin is why I left.
.....I'm tired of seeing 0.1btc of unexchanged coins....
What do the terms "unconverted" and "unexchanged" mean in terms of eventual payout?
Are those somehow invalid, lost or false? Or just waiting in the balance?
What do the terms "unconverted" and "unexchanged" mean in terms of eventual payout?
Are those somehow invalid, lost or false? Or just waiting in the balance?

Just means the coins I mined, whatever they are, haven't been converted to BTC on the exchanges yet. My current unexchanged is double the highest I've ever seen.
Yeah I really hope those unexchanged coins are real........as in......going to be converted at a good rate.
Might be waiting for a pump&dump, but who knows really...
I've been through a few of these with middlecoin and its always ended good so I'm gonna stick it out but the crazy high reject rates right now on anything but my really fast machines has me really looking at other options.
H2O updated about the unexchanged on twitter an hour or so ago:

Middlecoin @middlecoinpool
The huge unexchanged is manual trades I need to import. Keep in mind that it's only an estimate.
I've been through a few of these with middlecoin and its always ended good so I'm gonna stick it out but the crazy high reject rates right now on anything but my really fast machines has me really looking at other options.

Indeed, I was running 15-20% rejects. Days before it was barely 5%.

its basically days worth of earnings piled on.... but yeah I just realized that my bank account is rather low. I apparently spent about $3k this week on new parts. I put myself back into the red for mining. I cancelled the seiki 39" monitor I ordered this afternoon LOL I have a ton of parts coming in tomorrow to really push my hashrates up
its basically days worth of earnings piled on.... but yeah I just realized that my bank account is rather low. I apparently spent about $3k this week on new parts. I put myself back into the red for mining. I cancelled the seiki 39" monitor I ordered this afternoon LOL I have a ton of parts coming in tomorrow to really push my hashrates up

Jah.......I hate the fact I am renting right now, and don't expect to be here more than 6-8 months.

Otherwise I would be setting up some dedicated circuits for mining.

My house has 10 amp circuits :(
Jah.......I hate the fact I am renting right now, and don't expect to be here more than 6-8 months.

Otherwise I would be setting up some dedicated circuits for mining.

My house has 10 amp circuits :(

I think I'm near maxed on the dedicated circuits I added so I'm about to have to build in my inlaws house
Times like right now you can't help but wonder if the guy running middlecoin isn't at least TEMPTED to just run off with all of those coins to an island... he could easily get away with crap payouts for a week or more before people get really anxious
Times like right now you can't help but wonder if the guy running middlecoin isn't at least TEMPTED to just run off with all of those coins to an island... he could easily get away with crap payouts for a week or more before people get really anxious

I don't know that he has to. He's got a freakin' bazillion miners paying him 3 FREAKIN' PERCENT on top of transaction/exchange fees. He just has to sit back and he can watch the numbers roll by on his BTC wallet.
2 crappy paydays in the past week... I know the market as a whole is in the shitter but how have others been doing this week?
Yeah. I've been at middlecoin for working on 3 months, and it looks like some of the competitors have overtaken.

One more day of bad payout (which I consider to be less than .0075BTC/MH) and I'm moving my ~6MH elsewhere.

It's really the transparency... some of the newer multipools are really working hard to let you know what they're doing... H20 had always paid enough out that I didn't care, but when the payout amounts dwindle... well, you know.
I got a .0137 BTC deposit last night with a 3MH/s rig. Pretty disappointing. That's 3 times less than what I usually get.
Wafflepool is defiantly growing. We've went from 1.9Gh/s three days ago to 8.3Gh/s this morning...
Honestly, the average over the last 30 days using middlecoin is not any better than multipool, the only difference is I get paid out in BTC and don't have to deal with cryptsy.

I'm almost wondering if hes just pointing the entire pool @ another multipool and changing the payout numbers to higher somedays and lower on others to make it look different, in the meantime taking 3% of 21GH for himself :p
I've been averaging .02-.03 BTC per day for over a week now with Waffle and I only have just over 2MH/s pointed at it at the moment.
Honestly, the average over the last 30 days using middlecoin is not any better than multipool, the only difference is I get paid out in BTC and don't have to deal with cryptsy.

I'm almost wondering if hes just pointing the entire pool @ another multipool and changing the payout numbers to higher somedays and lower on others to make it look different, in the meantime taking 3% of 21GH for himself :p

the price of not having to do any exchanging cannot be underestimated.

Of course I think middlecoin has become too big and is often mining a coin to an extent that there's no way to exchange it which I think is what's happening.
I'm moving my 5.2 mh/s to Waffelpool from MC. Payouts have been sucking the last couple of days and today is just as bad.

Beginning of the end?