Microsoft's Indigo - Links, vids and information wanted!


Mar 28, 2004
I have what is called a "Senior Exhibition" at my school. I attend a magnet school which is when you take care of your high school credits fast (mostly in 9th and 10th grade) then use half the day in your 10th and 11th grade year to study a field you are interested in. I am in Networking and loving it. It is not somehting I will do as a career but it is a great side job to help me through college.

Now about 3-4 months ago I asked you guys what topic to do. I am not sure if it was here or through my research but I ended up choosing Microsoft's Indigo. For those of you who do not know, Indigo is one of the pilars (there are 4) of Longhorn. It is pretty much the networking aspect of it. Now I set a goal for myself to finish the whole project in the summer so I can attend to other things during the school year (scholarships, applications, etc.). The only problem is that information is really limited out there. You guys know how Microsoft is. THey keep things secret until release so they can smash competition, if any. SO please give me some information, websites, videos, names of magaziones with articles in it, or anything else that would aid me to finish this project. Thanks to everyone who helps!

P.S. I will post my final project on here when I finish. The intro to mine is already done so if you guys want to see it, just ask. It is done in Flash...MX to be precise.

BTW, this is a huge project. Buisnesses from around the country come to see it such as Cisco. They are your judges that you must impress. The days of presentation are big and fancy. I have alot counting on it.
I'd recommend a different project. Longhorn is bound by NDAs, and I would hate to have my grade riding on leaked information. As for what Microsoft has published, it is mainly vague generalities that they like to change at a moment's notice.
I would pick a topic you can actually discuss. It's not that MS hates giving out information, it's that the information can change at any second, depending on how MS's teams figure out the solution to the problem they are trying to solve.
Not to mention the only people with legitimate info cannot legally discuss it. ;)
Well here is what we can do. I will just state these concerns at the beginning of my project. I jsut cant change my topic now. It was suggested here and I assume there is some information out there. Yes, they might be general and might change soon but what more can I do? I just need to start off soon so lets start giving out some information.
Why not look around for articles on Longhorn @ any news site or google it. All it takes is research.

Yeah, I understand that I can just go on goggle and that is something I will be doing. I am just wondering if anyone here has any knowledge on the subject and can aid me in understanding it. Yes, I can read Microsoft blogs but it isnt as simple from hearing it from one of you. I also wanted to see if you guys knew any sites I wouldnt be able to find on my own of if you guys know a magazine that had or has a feature on it.
If I knew of anything such as tidbits down to the little things such as how their kernel crap thing works, I'd provide you all of what I would've known. But I don't. I don't think much people actually knows that much stuff since Microsoft tends to be hush hush until they stomp on the competition by surprise with the new Longhorn CD on the shelves. Even if they did publically publish their things, it won't cover everything.

Yeah, you might be right. I am going to try and scrap up some information today and will most likely show you guys the presentation. If I am still lacking, ill see what I do, thanks.
Since the judges will probably be fairly knowledgeable on the subject, and will understand NDAs and such, I'm thinking you might be docked heavily in the grading and judging for picking a topic that doesn't have any real solid information in existence to the general public. We are one of the biggest "buddies" to MS when it comes to their OSes, and I can't find shit about it on any of our Internal Only sites. I would seriously consider a topic change or else you may be wishing you had when the grades are released.