Microsoft TS2 Seminar - What I Learned?


Limp Gawd
Feb 17, 2004

I just attended a Microsoft TS2 seminar for work and thought I would share what I learned.....

Not Much...

From the gentleman that spoke at the seminar I gathered the following tidbits of information.

1.) Longhorn may be in RC form by early 2005 , but from what I was told it could miss its 2006 delivery date and ship in Q1 2007 at the latest.

2.) SP2 has matured to the point where all Microsoft employees have been required to install RC1 on their work machines. Nothing really that impressive about SP2 IMO. You can expect to see the final version no sooner than 20 days from now no later than 90 days from now. Also the gentleman commented that there will be two more service packs released before Longhorn's arrival.

3.) According to the speaker Windows XP 64 has been out for a year and a half. When I explained to him that he must be confused and be referring to the version developed for the IA64 Itianium here is what he had to say....

Speaker - Yes , that version has been out for about a year now.

Me - I think your misunderstanding me. I am referring to the 64 Bit release for consumers / home users . There is allready a beta that just came out not too long ago avaliable for download from Microsofts site.

Speaker - ??? Puzzled look.

Me - It was developed for use with the AMD Athlon 64 / FX / Opteron line of processors.

Speaker - (Grim / Lost look on face ) I think you may have incorrect informaton. Unless its directly from Microsoft I wouldent beleive it. We are developing 64 bit soloutions for Intel only. Thanks for the question.

(Not exactley verbatium , but you get the picture.)

Then he just walked away.....

While conducting his presentation he proceded to blatently bash Linux a few times. At one point in the confrence he asked the group " Name something that Linux dosent do that Windows does?" I replied "Blue Screen?" it was great ;)

While I know its not groundbreaking news in any way I felt I would share this with my fellow [H] brothers. It just really left a bad taste in my mouth being belittled by and MS rep who had no idea what he was talking about in this regard.

Anyways I learned a few things and the freebies always rock. Take it easy guys.
