Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003


Limp Gawd
Sep 1, 2002
Just received my InfoPath 2003 disk, among others. Just wondering if anyone else is familiar with this and what their thoughts are of this software.

infopath helps you make resumes i think, i have it installed but never used it.
Yes you can make a form to accept resume's but it goes alot further than that. I've installed it and looked at it for a little bit but haven't dug too much into it. Just gave it a quick overview, haven't created anything with it yet. Seems like it would might make things alot easier to make electronic forms for internal and external use. Connected to either spreadsheets or databases or just a form to be filled out then printed out and signed. Sorta like an editable PDF.
I saw a presentation on InfoPath at DevDays. The usage they described is for making database clients. It has a drag and drop interface, is reasonly customizable and easy to use. One thing they showed is by dragging the table schema onto the editor, it created a form quick and painless.