Microsoft Cert testing under 072-XXX Exams (already have 070-XXX)


May 5, 2009
There simply isn't a good place to post this question but hopefully I can pick the brains of some of you system/network admins...XOR and YeOld...I'm look at you :p

So I have a MCTS in Windows Server 2008: Active Directory Configuration, more specifically, the test was 83-640 (which used to be 70-640).

I can probably take and pass both 70-642 and 70-646 to finish up my MCITP (Server Admin). I may pursue the Enterprise Admin later, but I digress.

My question is, after almost scheduling both exams on Prometrics website (roughly $250), by choosing the 072-XXX will they still count in addition to my already passed 070? As a full time student, if I could save some extra cash per test that would be bitchin' ($120). So in short, will passing the 072-642 and 072-646 get me a MCITP cert?

Of course Microsoft doesn't say anything about that and only lists the 070-xxx as the qualifying test. But why would they even offer the 072 if it couldn't be counted, right? From what I've read, they are literally the same exact test.

Here's MS's MCITP pathways:
The 72 series is new to me, but it does apply to the MCITP series of certs.

I would definitely verify with prometric and/or MS however.
Unfortunately I did call Prometric and they gave me the polite version of "I have no clue, we sell tests and this is your problem, not mine". I've not seen much help on MS's forums either. I guess I'll need to call them direct?