Messaging Appliance recommendation?


May 6, 2005
My dad supports a company who has a lady CFO who is tired of getting the increase penis size emails even in her junk mail folder...

Yes, it is already filtered properly, etc., but she pays the bills. Anyway, it appears that there are a few products out there for this that he has been looking into, such as an appliance from TrendMicro and another from Sonicwall...

He would have went with the Sonicwall one, but he's none too thrilled with their customer support on reviewing past web sites he's sent them to change the status of, so he suspects their customer support in this area may well be similar. He is familiar with Trendmicro, but since he's opening the eyes to look around, he wants some feedback from anyone "in the trenches" so to speak, as we are.

Anyone know of a good one perchance? If we can block the obvious trash before it even gets fully into the email server and conserve the bandwisth internally, so much the better.
Yes, I have looked at the Barracuda device. Are you using one? What is your take on it? Is it effective at reducing unwanted emails, and virus scanning everything? Trend Micro has the Interscan appliance, SonicWall has an appliance, McAffe and Symanetc also have appliances. What I really would like is to hear from admins who are using any of these.
I've been using the software version of the Symantec Appliance... whose spam engine runs on Brightmail.

Cut our monthly by an astonishing 95%. (our email traffic of 4 million per month, of which around 160K was legimitate)

Heard great things about barracuda, which tends to do well in the SMB sector.

Personally, I say no to Sonicwall.
Yes, I have looked at the Barracuda device. Are you using one? What is your take on it? Is it effective at reducing unwanted emails, and virus scanning everything? Trend Micro has the Interscan appliance, SonicWall has an appliance, McAffe and Symanetc also have appliances. What I really would like is to hear from admins who are using any of these.

We have a 'cuda, the devices are absolutely brilliant. I seriously do not get spam anymore; maybe 1-2 a month sneak in, and only a few false-positive blocks in a year of running. We get upwards of 200,000 emails a day, and the barracuda blocks about 160,000 at the edge.

Virus scanning is very good, took the burden off our exchange server to do the scanning.

But really, try it for yourself. They have a free no-strings-attached 30 or 60 day trial on the box. That's how we decided to purchase ours, after demoing it.