Memory arrrggghhh


Mar 28, 2007
I dont understand... Why is it everytime i need memory its a chore to search and find something in a reasonable price range. not too long ago i bought a dfi lanparty forgot the model number but costed around 100 dollars.... well, i then find out my memory wont work with the board wasnt sure if it was defective or not... sent it back in for a swap but then said i will send it back and buy a new one that same day instead of waiting weeks. well i went to microcenter and bought a dfi cfx200 dr for 200 dollars.. memory worked in this board. except i had already bought a 1 gig pc3200 pny memory stick for 130 dollars but had a rebate 40 dollars off so would have been 80 dollars. got home tried it and it worked well since i didnt want it for 130 and thought i could get a 2 gig kit for a little more i will return this pny memory... except i get to the store and somehow the stupid upc code that was on the smallest corner of paper i have ever seen somehow disappeared and they wouldnt let me return it.. so i was really mad then.. but now... months later... i need to get another pny 1 gig chip so i can dual channel.. i am searching around and god do the prices ever drop on pc3200???? i can find dd2 for next to nothing but of course the memory i need is off the charts for pricing.. anyone know of a good place for decent prices besides tigerdirect,newegg,frys, best buy , compusa, microcenter??? the cheapest i found was 70 dollars and that is with out rebate or sale... thanks
Sorry, and I know prices can be frustrating. The RAM chip market is based on supply and demand just like an other commodity. When supplies are low, as they are with DDR1 chips (the chip makers are focusing on DDR2 and DDR3 now), prices will rise. DDR2 prices are very cheap right now as you say. There are lots of DDR2 chips on the market right now, so they can be bought relatively cheap.

The stores you mentioned are about the cheapest you will find. :(