Memorex 4gb USB Travel Drive Compatibility


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2003
Hey I was just wondering if anyone could help me out with using a 4gb memorex travel drive on my Dell E1405 w/ windows vista 64bit. The travel drive works on my desktop and all our Dell school computers flawlessly but will not work with my laptop. It would be nice be able to use this drive to sync files and move stuff around. The laptop works with my 60gb apple ipod and also allows for me to put files on it like a hard drive. It seems to be just the thumbdrive that will not sync. When I plug it in then restart the computer hangs up and will not restart the same thing happens when i plug it in while its booting up it hangs at the windows vista loading bar. Any help would be great I have scoured the net and the search functions on this site and cannot seem to find any solutions. Thanks