MCE2005 as a gaming OS?


Fully [H]
Mar 24, 2000
I can't seem to find any definite answers on this, but I think I may know it already. My thoughts are, since MCE2005 is really XP Pro with an added application, I should still be able to play my normal games like HL2. Doom 3, etc on it, right? I can't seem to find anything mentioned for it by searching on Microsoft's site. It says MCE2005 is good for gaming, but it seems like MS's definition of gaming is Solitaire. I know some of you are using MCE2005, so what's the verdict.

If we can't get any replies, I can do some testing with Ghost images.
I'd imagine that if you deleted the majority of eye-candy and bulkware from the OS and if your hardware was up to snuff you'd have no problem gaming with it.
Grimmda said:
Duuude I gotta call you out on this one: MCE 2005 and gaming

14 pages back you asked the same question and pretty much got a "yes go for it"

So what more are you looking for :p

Ahhhhh yeahhh I wish this was my 64th post for [H]lite cause I deserved it here lol

1) That was posted in the HTPC forums and wasn't getting any definitive answers
2) No one has answered with a "Yes, I play these games on it" or a "No, I can't get shit to work on it".

So, to answer your question of...what more am I looking for? Well, an exact answer is what I'm looking for.
No way look 14 pages back on this forum it's right there... No biggie :) You said you've been using it, how's it working? Proof sometimes is in your own experience.
Like I said in your other thread;

It's XPPro SP2 with an additiona TV Friendly interface + PVR Apps.

Other than those additions, if you can play games on XP SP2 you can play games on MCE2k5.
For what it's worth, I have read about problem with drivers and MCE2005 that were giving someone a problem running a game. For some reason MCE was not liking the XP drivers, and the game pretty much required that version of the drivers to fix a game bug. It was a specific case of driver versions, older version would work fine in MCE, just not the game. When they called for support "This driver is not supported under MCE2005" was the vendor answer from e-mail.

Yeah, vague, I know... Sorry, just something I remember reading. I'll see if I can dig it up, I think it was on another forum, so no guarantees...
My roommate has MCE 2004 on his laptop and it runs games fine. In fact, he's playing Battle for Middle Earth as we speak.
If it helps at all, it was designed to be the best XP home OS to date and MS is touting it as being good for all Home things. So basically I would say its supposed to game just as good as Home or Pro.
Ranma_Sao said:
It games just fine. If it doesn't and you prove it's due to MCE let me know.

That's the response I was hoping for. Someone who's done it.

Phoenix86, I read the same things on a few different sites.

Grimmda, I have it on a PC now that is not up to gaming specs, but for regular PVR duties it works wonders. It's very easy to use, and the recording quality is excellent. I'm using a WinTV-PVR-150MCE.
Well, it was a one-off kind of thing. From my other read it's OK, but your looking for someone who's walked the walk... ;)

Still looking for the link BTW, didn't have much time yesterday.
My LAN rig in my sig runs MCE2005 and I obviously game on it. It has run HL2DM, DoD, PK, CS, and CoD fine.
Awesome. Over the 3 day weekend, I'm going to try and benchmark the two of them and see how they stack up....and mainly how do the regular drivers compare to the MCE drivers.