Matrimony Mod

Hmmmm...if I still stick with my girlfriend, I'll have to give this method some serious consideration....

she loves the fact I'm a geek...although, I'd probably have to go for a quake 3 themed marriage thing. Get some Crash & Doom as bride & groom? yeah....that just might work. (she's a Quake 3 fanatic :p)
I came over from an EverQuest message board.

Wow, that is very cool. Being a geeky girl, that pushes all my buttons. :cool:

Congratulations to you and best wishes!
if i were not a lesbian and you were not in love with your new fiance we could so hook up. why cant i find someone like you - so caring, such a geek. congrats and good luck!!




sorry, couldnt help it
As a girl I think that is so romantic and extremely sweet! The idea is so great and original. OMG, i'm just wowed by it. She's lucky to have someone like you. ^_^ Good luck on the engagement! :)
mj007 you have pm, plz respond asap
Originally posted by PS-RagE
heh - I sent him one too ;)

haha beat you :D

(hurray bored in college classes :rolleyes: )

Saw it in Maxium PC also
Good job
Again i hope your life as a married man goes well.
I'll add my name to the people who saw it in Maximum PC.

Amazing job. Too bad you won't be the first husband-wife modding team.
its great but kinda hard to see surface modding.. meaning i cant see the difference in the paint but still good

good luck to your marriage