Managing a Team of 8


Nov 20, 2000
Hey guys, ive just recently been put in a position to assist management of 8 employees and im looking for some sort of software solution to help me with this. It tends to be very hard keeping up with the status of projects and what projects which employee is working on.

Can anyone suggest software that they use, or have seen used for this type of thing? Or maybe a referral to another forum that would help with this situation?
personally, I'd set up a weekly meeting with your team and use Outlook (prolly a standard at your work) and set up items in those meeting requests to keep track of who is working on what. That way each week you'll get an update.

If weekly meetings is not available, then you're going to have to look into some kind of project / todo software. I use an open source one (web based) and it helps keep track of what items are still open and who is working them. Doesn't give you timed reminders like Outlook, but useful if you check it everyday.
Either that or something like ms project where you can setup a view to keep track of everyone's status and what they are working on. Although it is only as useful as the people that update them. Outlook calendar is probably the easiest way to do it though.
Where i work we use a ticketing system called Track-It for a set of 10 employees. It is very useful to see who is working on what and how far along/progress for each employee. Not really a project managment software but it is still helpful.
Sharepoint would work, if you wanted something web-based. MS Outlook folders would also work, as would MS Project. It depends on too many vairuables, starting with what type of work they will be doing and what you need to track.