Making "Run-as" stick


[H]F Junkie
Jul 19, 2004
Small school, in this section of the active directory, just peer to peer. Workstations for the students, WinXP. Students with just basic local user accounts so they don't hose the machines as much.

One old application that they run, has some features that are not available if the user is logged in under a basic user account....yet they're available if logged in as local Admin.

Doing the right click==>run-as...and supplying the admin credentials...well...this is not practical since it needs to be done every time you launch the program. Does anyone know how to make this stick? Any 3rd party utils out there?
insead opf doing a runas troubleshoot the permissions problem. First thing I would try is giing local users group Read and write permissions to the applications program files directory. If that doesn't do it I run regmon and file mon to see what the app is accessing on the system so i can set the permissions for those areas. Then script the changes on each box.
Grab FileMon and RegMon from sysinternals to see what's going on so you can try to configure it to work as a non-priveledged user.
MorfiusX said:
Grab FileMon and RegMon from sysinternals to see what's going on so you can try to configure it to work as a non-priveledged user.

Give the end user NOTHING but the minimum they need to get the job done.
Tnx for replies...a location I can't get to (on a small island..a school....the teacher that also somewhat act as IT there can handle basic tasks pretty well...guess I can try to walk her through file/folder permissions and registry stuff....err.....hmmm....a dozen workstations.

Was just hoping there was some 3rd party plugin to add features to the GUI run-as for shortcuts.

Maybe she can wait another few weeks til I head out there again. Long ferry ride..makes for a long day. :eek: