Making a bootable disc from a BIN file.


Limp Gawd
Jun 23, 2006
Was wondering what might be a good software or whatever to use in order to make a BIN file into a bootable disc?? From school, I can download copies of WinXP 32/64 bit, but, the files are downloaded in BIN file format, and I need to make a bootable disc so I can lod XP onto another computer. I figured I need to convert the file from BIN to ISO then burn it, is this correct?? Let me know if someone has a good idea and maybe a good software to use to make the ISO bootable disc. Much appreciated. Thanks.

BIN file is similar in principle to an ISO file. The contents of the BIN are a binary image of the original CD data, so... since XP CDs are bootable, when you burn the BIN file, the resulting CD should be a bit-for-bit duplicate of the original one or at least the file Microsoft created to distribute.

And NO you don't need to convert it to an ISO to burn it; BIN and ISO work the same way as I just said.

Most any current burning software can burn BIN files natively. They sometimes come with CUE files that provide some data to the burning software, but they're rarely necessary.

Just use Nero, Alcohol 120%, or just about any other software on the market to burn it using the software's "Burn Image" capability.

Or go get a copy of BurnAtOnce and burn the BIN file straight off. Or some other software; the choice is yours.

Hope this helps...
I dunno about "hardly ever neccessary". I've tried on many occassions to get a .BIN to mount or burn, never once worked without a .cue to go with it. It might just be my bad luck, but if you've got a .bin there SHOULD be a .cue to go with it. You open the .cue, and it feeds the burner the .bin. That's my understanding of it.
Ever opened a CUE file? It's just a small text file saying "Ok, we're going to burn a BIN file, and here is the filename of the BIN and the location of the BIN file."

Hell, I've acquired BIN/CUE pairs before and spent time fixing the CUE because it was invalid/incorrect to begin with. Got sick of all that crap and just decided to get better burning software that can read the BIN natively and burn it. Simple.

So I should be able to just use my Nero and burn a bootable disc?? I am just making sure 'cuz I recall burning the downloaded BIN file before and it didn't work right. Do I want to make a bootable disc, or just burn the actually BIN image?? I have Nero 6 so I should have whatever I need then.
OCZSpeedJunky said:
So I should be able to just use my Nero and burn a bootable disc?? I am just making sure 'cuz I recall burning the downloaded BIN file before and it didn't work right. Do I want to make a bootable disc, or just burn the actually BIN image?? I have Nero 6 so I should have whatever I need then.

Nero 6 doesn't like BIN files without CUE files. sorry
WinIso will convert it to an ISO so that Nero will burn it.

Or you can create your own CUE file like this....
  TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 01 00:00:00

This should work for most images
br0adband said:
Works for me, YMMV.


I never really tried it without the CUE file....
It wouldn't see the BIN file in the file open window when the all image types was selected. IIRC

Haven't really used Nero for a while - just haven't had to burn anything for a few months.
Well, I'll settle this debate here in a bit. I'll try using Nero and see if it burns it ok. I thought I had done it with Nero 6 once before, and it didn't work right. But, I think I may have done it wrong also, so I'll do it again. Got plenty of discs here I can waste trying it lol
Anyway, if it turns out to be a pain, I'll just convert it to ISO, since I'm more of a hardware junky than a software junky and am not sure "how" to add the CVue to the BIN file. Unless one of ya wants to explain it quick? Would appreciate it. Think I need to do more of my A+ rather than my C+ studying lol Hardware, no problem, software, hell, I get screwed up lol.
Anyway, thanks guys. I'll see how it goes here in a few.
