MacWorld Discussion Thread (Mac Mini!)


[H]F Junkie
Apr 3, 2000
Is anyone following some of the feeds?

post your discussion in here.

From the looks of all the "HD" Capable programs they are showing, an HD "iHome" would really be awesome.


Apple introduces Mac mini. New member of Mac family Slot-load Combo optical drive. Play DVDs, burn CDs. Queit. Tiny, FireWire, ethernet, USB 2.o, both DVI/VGA output. Very tine. Height is half the size of an iPod mini. BYODKM. Bring Your Own Display, Keyboard, Mouse. Firs tone is $499: 1.25GHz 256MB/40GB More memory and larger hard drive for $599. Will ship on January 22. Ships in a box smaller than the regular iPod box. [10:36 PT]
MacNN said:
# Apple introduces Mac mini. New member of Mac family Slot-load Combo optical drive. Play DVDs, burn CDs. Queit. Tiny, FireWire, ethernet, USB 2.o, both DVI/VGA output. Very tine. Height is half the size of an iPod mini. BYODKM. Bring Your Own Display, Keyboard, Mouse. Firs tone is $499: 1.25GHz 256MB/40GB More memory and larger hard drive for $599. Will ship on January 22. Ships in a box smaller than the regular iPod box. [10:36 PT]

# Apple introduces iPod Shuffle..flash based player. Smaller than most packs of game. Weighs the same as 4 quarters (less than 1 ounce). Volume/Up dow. Simple LED to provide feedback. No display. Either shuffle or album-based playback. USB 2 transfer connector under connector at the bottom. 12-hour rechargeable battery. Mac/PC compatible. Ships with a laynard that connects directly to bottom connector for easy carrying. [10:52 PT]
i was hoping for a longer battery life. sounds like an interesting idea, just not for everyone.
There's a 1.42GHz Mac Mini available, they're upgradable to 1GB of RAM, and there's a SuperDrive BTO, plus Airport Extreme.

I like the fact that they already have a s-video / composite out. Now only if they had an upgraded video card as an option that put out component video. I'll probably still pick up one or get my wife to do it :D
The Mac Mini looks great. And the DVI to composite/s-video adaptor makes this a killer HTPC box.

I want one! :D

and the Apple store is down, I hope it's beacuse they are getting hammered with people trying to buy these.
ShimmyT said:
I like the fact that they already have a s-video / composite out. Now only if they had an upgraded video card as an option that put out component video. I'll probably still pick up one or get my wife to do it :D

I wonder if you could use an external transcoder?
valve1138 said:
The Mac Mini looks great. And the DVI to composite/s-video adaptor makes this a killer HTPC box.

I want one! :D

and the Apple store is down, I hope it's beacuse they are getting hammered with people trying to buy these.

They always take down the Apple Store when adding new stuff, to avoid problems.
i forsee a HUGE trend here, 99% percent of the time people's complaints were that a mac was too expensive. I think that this could be a huge tipping point, especially for a college market where space and money is an issue.
Am I the only one that thinks the iPod Shuffle is kind of a not so good idea. I mean do you really want to load up some random songs each time and then not have anything other than an LED to give you feedback?
And the ACD will fit perfectly atop it...combined with wireless keyboard and mouse, it will truly be a futuristic-looking computer...
ohnnyj said:
Am I the only one that thinks the iPod Shuffle is kind of a not so good idea. I mean do you really want to load up some random songs each time and then not have anything other than an LED to give you feedback?

I was thinking the same thing, but then I went out to lunch.

I grabbed my ipod, and hit play.
Threw it in my pocket.

I didn't look at it till I got back to the office.

btw I have an RF remote for it, so I don't even look at it to switch tracks or anything. (maybe change settings, but thats like once a month?
nice time to replace the old g3 :p the new ipod looks nice but i think id end up loseing it or eating it
i think that the ipod shuffle might fill a price gap for people who don't want to spend so much but still want the white earbuds :rolleyes:

I wouldn't get one but i'm sure people will buy them.

anyone besides me notice that apple's stock is down 5%?

Yeah my friend says he is going to get the 1gb version of shuffle. Because he is on a tight budget, I think these will sell more to budget people.
i also noticed that the stock was down.

just a heads up- apple is notorious for overcharging for RAM. save your self a couple hundred and get the gig stick from crutial.
hmph, i was so hoping people were going to go crazy over the new "Mini". Damn i was hoping they were going to go SO crazy that the stock would go very high and split and i would end up a happy camper with double the stock... oh well
Irishllama said:
-4.27 (-6.15%) oh noes... I think the people are rejecting apple's new stuff....

actually i was just listening to bloomberg radio, and just after I posted they said this: (not a direct quote)

that a) the market is very negative right now, almost nothing is up
b) people were expecting 5 mill ipods sold during the holidays, only 4. 5mil were sold.
c) see a.

I personally am thinking of investing while it's down, i think it's going to climb over the next few months as the mini catches on. I don't think the drop is indicative of the announcements.
lol, Like i said, that is what i did a week ago. But i was really hoping for a revision of the PB, or at least PB or iBook go on sale... I need a new lappy =/
I think the new offerings from Apple will help enable people to 'Switch.' I am heavily considering ordering a mini asap. It is nice that the price is including OS X (10.3?), and some other software.

The Shuffle looks interesting as well. Good for a runner, weighing less than 4 quarters, very impressive!
Irishllama said:
lol, Like i said, that is what i did a week ago. But i was really hoping for a revision of the PB, or at least PB or iBook go on sale... I need a new lappy =/

notice the post times? notice now how that wasn't directed to your second post?

this thread is hauling ass today. 'tis a good day for the Mac.
Jozone said:
Im in for one of each :D
Damn you!

I'm a PC user, but I definately have a lot of Apple appreciation. I play with them everytime I go to CompUSA. This new Mac Mini is great :D (and looks 10x better than the iHome rumor version... ugh, that thing was oogly).

iWork only comes with a word processor and keynote 2, though. :\ I was expecting a little more... maybe at least a spreadsheet or something. A comparison between Pages and Microsoft Word would make a good read. :)

iLife... well, nothing bad to say

iPod Shuffle... it's cool I guess. Definately cheaper. I wouldn't buy it; my 20GB iPod serves me well. :D
i cant get to the educational page, anyone else think itll be 100 off for students or just 30 like the pods?
Is the MM's hard drive 7200RPM? I don't see anything on their site.

EDIT: What I mean is, it's not a laptop HD is it?
The Mac mini is the coolest thing I've seen come out of apple (non-gadget wise) for a long time. I think students will buy it like crazy. I'm thinking of buying one and i haven't had a Mac since the Mac SE!
i dont really like the shuffle, but i can definately see its niche with the runners out there. flash memory, no frills long enough battery life. really, how many runners stop running and are like "wait, hell, what song is this?" then look at a display. its too bad that this wasnt out before christmas, or its the one my girl prolly woulda got. the only time i look at my nike/phillips psa is when i need to change some setting or something and havent used it in a while or when i am bored out of my mind. and with the fact its using the same earbuds and says "iPod" on the back all us poor bastards could get one, keep it in a pocket and join the ranks of people saying "OF COURSE i have an ipod! <sigh>"

as for the mac mini, i love it. could be a couple improvements in my book, but a hell of an idea. i want one so bad seeing as how i missed out on the cube so long ago. love the size, but am skeptical that there will bee some pretty big issues with it based on its size and relative newness of design. later revisions will probably address this, as i doubt apple wants another sff computer going as wrong as the cube did. excellent size good power. would like to see primarily more ram, and audio in, but you cant have it all i guess.

i think later revisions of the shuffle will put a small screen in and you will have a choice beteen 512 with no screen and a 1 gig or even 2 gig with a small screen. revisions of the mac mini i could see them adding an audio in, but not likely seeing as how they dropped it off of everything except the powermac line.

have been hoping for something like iwork for a while, but again as posted earlier would like to see a spreadsheet with the word processor and keynote.

from what ive seen of the improvements to ilife, i like, except for the new cartoonsh logo...i mean really. wtf?