macbook cooling fan


Sep 24, 2005
I have a first gen macbook and just recently installed smc fan controller. The app states that fan 1 runs at its specified rpm and fan 2 runs at 0 rpm. Does that mena i only have 1 fan running or am i suppose to have 2 fans. If the macbook does indeed have 2 fans, does this mean one of my fans are dead?
I never hear my fan; dunno what you're talking about. Unless I'm doing video encoding I never hear it at all... even at 3k rpm with smcfancontrol it's no louder than it is at 1.5k rpm.
i've actually never heard my fan either. I know they get hot but does everyone elsese get soo hot on the bottom you could not leave it on your bare skin without possibly suffering from severe burns? mine gets EXTREMELY hot on the bottom.

I can understand something this small generating alot of heat but damn. cant really call it a laptop if you cant sit it on your lap without possibly being rushed in to emergency burn unit and having to get a skin graph. because you suffered 3rd degree burns on your legs....k now im just rambling on.
i've actually never heard my fan either. I know they get hot but does everyone elsese get soo hot on the bottom you could not leave it on your bare skin without possibly suffering from severe burns? mine gets EXTREMELY hot on the bottom.

I can understand something this small generating alot of heat but damn. cant really call it a laptop if you cant sit it on your lap without possibly being rushed in to emergency burn unit and having to get a skin graph. because you suffered 3rd degree burns on your legs....k now im just rambling on.

This isn't the first laptop in the world to get that hot, and there are easy ways to prevent such without ever taking it off of your lap.
cant really call it a laptop if you cant sit it on your lap without possibly being rushed in to emergency burn unit and having to get a skin graph. because you suffered 3rd degree burns on your legs....k now im just rambling on.

Apple doesn't call them laptops anyway. In fact, most manufacturers don't call them laptops anymore.