m0n0wall boot up problem


Jan 20, 2002
Hi all,

i've just decided to try out m0n0wall and just now I tried to boot it up and got the following error:


i'm not sure which settings in the bios I have to enable/disable but does anyone have any suggestions?

my mobo is the Intel D845GEBV2 and I'm using Intel Pro 100 cards.

any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.
Hi pook,

What type of drive, what image, and how did you write the image to the drive?

The m0n0wall experts (community) have a mail list for support.

Send your question in an e-mail to: m0n0wall[AT]lists.m0n0.ch

The O's are zeros and replace the [AT] with @.
Hi pook,

What type of drive, what image, and how did you write the image to the drive?

The m0n0wall experts (community) have a mail list for support.

Send your question in an e-mail to: m0n0wall[AT]lists.m0n0.ch

The O's are zeros and replace the [AT] with @.

ok, I finally got it to boot, i'm playing around with the traffic shaper now... hmm for some reason my BT traffic still seems to bring WWW traffic to a crawl... i'll have to play around with some settings.
Enable traffic shaping, go to the "Magic Shaper Wizard" tab and enter your approx. bandwidth numbers and then click the Install/Update button. Also check the box that reads, "Set P2P traffic to lowest priority".

There should be a bunch of stuff (rules,pipes,queues) that was configured automatically by the wizard.

Using that automatic config has worked well for me. My daughter can run P2P and surfing is still fine. Seems almost totally normal in fact. I think her downloads take forever though. :)
Enable traffic shaping, go to the "Magic Shaper Wizard" tab and enter your approx. bandwidth numbers and then click the Install/Update button. Also check the box that reads, "Set P2P traffic to lowest priority".

There should be a bunch of stuff (rules,pipes,queues) that was configured automatically by the wizard.

Using that automatic config has worked well for me. My daughter can run P2P and surfing is still fine. Seems almost totally normal in fact. I think her downloads take forever though. :)

yeah i just enabled that magic shaper wizard but BT still slows everything down.. i think i have to play around with the queues and stuff
you could also try pfsense, which is based on the m0n0 ui. (but it uses BSD 6.x) the shaping wizard in it is a bit more comprehensive, and it's got a lot more extendable capabilities, but the image is larger and it's still in a "beta" phase.

also, m0n0 and pf both have IRC support channels on freenode-- #m0n0wall and #pfsense
does pfsense need a floppy/usb drive if i plan to install it from the livecd on to a HD?
it's been a while since i installed it, but iirc it takes care of formatting.
ok, I got PFsense working... haven't played around with the traffic shaper yet but i'll give that a shot later... ;-)

does anyone know how I can setup my WRT-54G to act as an access point? i want to plug it into the switch that's plugged into my LAN port on PFsense so that I can get wireless clients... anyone know how I would do this with my WRT that has ddwrt loaded on it??

Disable the routing and firewall features on your Linksys router then run an ethernet cable from your switch to one of the LAN ports on the back of it.
I love pfSense, but my WRT54G v3 running Tomato works nicely for 99% of my stuff.