Low Profile HTPC Hardware Questions


Mar 15, 2004
I want to use a low profile case for my HTPC. I have a low profile GeForce 2 MX400 PCI 64MB DDR video card (I'm on a tight budget), I have a motherboard with a 1.7GHz Intel Celeron processor (spare lying around), 512MB DDR2700 RAM and now I need an internal TV tuner and a low profile sound card (the motherboard sound chip fried - I would still like to make use of the board) to complte the setup. I would also like to run a Linux PVR solution on it.

What low profile TV tuners are out there?

I was looking at the Nvidia NVTV card and really liked it but can't find one for sale that is NTSC format. Features it needs to have: RF remote (not IR), NTSC format, preferably works with Linux PVR solutions but will take what I can.

What low profile sound cards are out there?

I will take even a simple stereo card (as long as sound quality is decent) but would like better if possilbe. Tons of features are not needed, please post any links to any low profile sound cards.

What is the best Linux based PVR distro to use?

I have seen Myth around a lot, is this the best one?

Thank you for any/all help you can provide. No rush on building it (especially if I can get the Nvidia NVTV in a month or so in the US in NTSC format). I will check back here often to reply to replies and such. Thanks again.