Lotus Domino Server

[BB] Rick James

[H]ard Dawg
Apr 4, 2004
I'm not really sure where this should go, but I'm having a heck of a time finding a good tutorial on how to set up an email server using Lotus Domino. I've got the domino server set up and configured, and I have the administrative client installed to config the server. But for example adding users and giving them an email address is what I'm having a harder time with.

Can anyone help me with this or at least point me in the right direction? I was getting a 389 LDAP Listening Port issue becuase Active Directory uses that port as well, but I have that all worked out now. I put Domino on a different port.

Thanks in advance!!!
Not to sound like an ass... but wouldn't Domino have some sort of documentation with it?

I have never used it, but I would imagine creating an email address is a basic function covered in the help/manual.
zrac said:
Not to sound like an ass... but wouldn't Domino have some sort of documentation with it?

I have never used it, but I would imagine creating an email address is a basic function covered in the help/manual.

Creating the address isn't really the issue, it's creating an email server that can send and receive from the outside world that I'm having issues with. My ISP blocks port 25 so I'm running the server on another port. I can send and receive emails on my network, just not outside the network. So if I send an email from my hotmail account it comes back to me. Domino doesn't have the greatest Help documentation.